3D Printed Krystal

marcuswilliams700 sent some photos of his 3D printed Krystal models, based on Gadonstriom's model. These are a few inches tall and printed using the Shapeways service. Just need to break out the model paint now!
As far as I know, this is the first 3D print of Krystal. Personally, I would like to try this when I purchase my 3D printer (likely sometime this year).
And you’d be able to print whatever model you wanted, too.
hey when you get the 3D printer you think anyone else with other model of Krystal could be sent to yours, maybe a show case?
I always wanted a 3d printer, so I could print the magsec 4 from perfect dark zero version and make it airsoft pistol.
FINALLY got around to painting it ^^; http://fav.me/d8lqhzk