Vote 4 Krystal!

As mentioned in the previous post, Nintendo is actually legitimately taking suggestions for Smash Bros. DLC characters! (I know, I can barely believe it either.) Every entry will be seriously considered by the team, so your suggestion for Krystal needs to be serious as well. As a sample, here is what I submitted (or tried to submit, the site appears to be taking a pounding right now). It's short and to the point due to the 500 character limitation.
One thing I want to stress above all others is this: when making your suggestions, please be positive! Talk about the advantages Krystal has in and of herself, as well as how she is differentiated from other characters. Speaking negatively against other choices as a way of making Krystal sound better is not a very friendly tactic and probably won't win you any respect from the developers. After all, the other fandoms want to see their characters too. We should be happy and supportive of their efforts as well. We're all gamers! We should be friendly to each other as we are (virtually) smashing our opponents off of stages and into bottomless pits.
I mentioned that her staff opened up now possibilities for fighting. It would be nice to have a SF character who used a fighting style besides hand-to-hand.
Also, if they want to go by popularity, Krystal is at least the fourth most popular character in the series right now, next to Fox, Falco, and Wolf.
I’ve gave my vote to Krystal. First, we needed more female characters anyway and I like her. Second, using a staff/spear/bo-staff fighting style will definitely be different and open to new opportunities on other ways of fighting, aside from fists, swords and guns.
I didn’t even wait till the end of the Direct to fly on over to the Smash website and start inputting my ballot for the galaxy’s greatest vixen. ;) I’m very glad to see that what I put in for the reasoning was basically the same as you’re recommending as well. I put emphasis on her popularity as a female Star Fox character, her uniqueness in potentially fighting with a staff and just the overall desire people have been having to see her in a Smash game since Brawl.
Well i came here to let people no but i guess im late XD had soccer =] so excited. lets hope for the best and try too spread some krystal hype. =p get some friends to vote =]
in my vote I put massive emphasis on her unique potential and the fact that she is requested so much
Do you think we can just copy what you wrote about her? Or would they see it as one guy spamming over and over?
Just had to add how excited I am too. I heard Krystal was the most requested Brawl character somewhere before. Hope that desire still remains.
Waaay ahead of ya :3
No, don’t copy, and don’t spam. Make the message your own.
I put in ten votes already for Krystal and plan to put in more over time. Am I the only one who has done this?
Nah i only did one. If i was to put in a second at all it would be to suggest wolf as well XD why did he have to go
I put joanna dark (very slim to no chance), but that 500 character limit is to “limited”, i’ll do krystal tomorrow, if i don’t forget it.
Please don’t spam the ballot, guys, tell others about it.
Already voted for her. Krystal and Pious Augustus have potential for variety as staff users. While I like Eternal Darkness, I feel that Pious may be too ugly for smash, even though he would show Nintendo isn’t 100% gears towards kids. Never the less, both have a better chance than other characters from various cartoons I’d like to see in the game. Mirage from Disney’s Aladdin, for example.
On another note, you’ll be asked to read what you type before you submit it. You’ll know if your post goes. If it doesn’t, give it another try in a bit.
Voted the other day. She has a more unique fighting style compared to the other Star Fox Characters.
If Lucas has been confirmed from the leaker the whole time then Wolf surely will too. All praying now is for Krystal.
I did my part. Now to wait.
Shrek FTW man.
Oh boy… here we go again.
From the ballot: “your favorite video-game character”
To be fair, Shrek HAS appeared in some video games… ;)
Voted for her right when I noticed it was possible to make a suggestion, lets hope she’s finally in game.
So has Hitler, Jesus, and Naruto. In fact, with games like Scribblenauts, there’s almost no character in history that technically hasn’t been ‘in a video game.’ That’s not what ‘video game character’ means.
Nice one, Mr. K. But you already posted an April Fool’s joke already.
I don’t understand what you mean.
In case you couldn’t tell by the winkyface in my comment, I was joking.
Sorry. It’s just that I knew that argument was coming, but had hoped it wouldn’t.
For your information I seriously don’t care who makes it, I’m not getting any DLC for Smash brothers. And if we know anything about internet polls, this one is going to go udder shite (see “Dub the Dew”).
Thought ya’ll might be interested in seeing this:
I’m liking how pretty much everyone agrees that Krystal is a likely candidate in spite of how much they may also dislike her personally. Then there’s everyone else, who just like Krystal, as it should be. ;)
Is that actually from the website? That’s interesting.
I like how Black Shadow is on the list. F-Zero is one of those games that could use another character, but is difficult to make. King K Rool and Issac is another two that are popular choices (a couple of my other wanted characters.) I was surprised with Harmoknight. I didn’t expect that, but it’s nice to know other people like that game.
I’m glad Krystal is on the top 7. That improves her chances of getting on the game.
Kind of caught off guard at Darunia being so high on that list, as much as I like the Goron he’s a pretty small side character that barely does anything in both the Zelda series and Nintendo history. I’m still glad to see Krystal in the top ten though.
Keep in mind that this is an unofficial fan list. My comment was only that everyone’s fan list pretty much includes Krystal.
That list doesn’t have any Tales characters anywhere and I know Lloyd Irving is a popular choice.
I feel bad for Sakurai and his team. Like Yeah im all for this dlc fighter stuff, but have you seen the game industry lately? Every developer is going insane trying to get their characters in the game… some of them are even indies that turned their backs on Nintendo! I just feel bad that they have to deal with all of that…
Krystal has my vote. (This one is for my brother, Lucas. We miss you!) He was a huge fan and a long time follower of Mr. Krystal and the Krystal Archive (Since ’05 or ’06, if memory serves me correctly, not long after version 1 of the site launched. Wow, almost, 10 years have gone by. Good times!) Keep voting for our favorite blue vixen everyone, she has waited long enough for this opportunity, she deserves it.
Wow the 500 char limit is really tight! I had to whittle my submission down from around 750 chars.
I basically concentrated on showing that despite not appearing in many games, she’s a very popular character (she won that poll in Nintendo Power) and that as there’s currently a Starfox game in development, it would be a perfect marketing tool to promote the upcoming title to a wider audience. I then stated how her staff would be an excellent offensive and defensive tool, and that she’s very agile.. and basically that she’s a perfect fit for Smash!
I voted right after the direct went into the splatoon stream. i made her a very appealing choice kit wise and profit wise. I even just wrote up my own kit. Too bad i have no way of sending it to them. They didnt have the one vote per person when i voted but i didnt spam, it’s funny how quick they had to put it.