Ayano Arrives at Further Confusion 2016

Ayano is making her yearly appearance at Further Confusion as I write this. Though I am not in attendance, I have a couple agents on the ground in contact with her (man, it feels cool to say that). Hopefully we can get photos and videos to those of you who can't attend soon. Until then, if any of you happen upon photos or videos by others being posted online, be sure to let me know.
I mentioned on the podcast that Ayano's Star Fox Command suit wouldn't quite be ready for Further Confusion, but we should see some Assault and Adventures Krystal during the show. I wonder if Ayano brought that 'summer suit' with her?
She really goes the whole extra mile when she makes these suits. Nintendo ought to just hire her for events and stuff.
Ayano dose it again just as I managed to finish my krystal mod.
I lost it when I read “I wonder if Ayano brought that ‘summer suit’ with her”
@earth being
What do you mean? It’s the new, shorter fur version of her Adventures suit.
What’s this mod again?
hi Mr. Krystal. Do you know how Ayano put the assault suit?
How she put what the assault suit?
I mean how did she put on the assault suit?
yes. If you know or not
It’s a customized skin-tight zentai suit, like these here: zentai-zentai.com
If I remember correctly, there’s a zipper from the back of the neck all the way down to the waist. There is a zipper in the front, but I don’t know if it actually does anything (I think that’s just to be accurate to the game or something). Or perhaps there’s an undersuit for the fur, and a top suit for the jumpsuit. I guess I don’t know, really.
okay then. Will there be photos or videos on Ayano?
Yes, I will post photos and video when I can.
Its my very own home made version of krystal its her assult exo version with a hint of zero style.
@Mr. Krystal
I found it funny because in the northern hemisphere, it’s technically winter.
Call me crazy, but I’d love to give both of them a hug, they just seem so floofy! :3