Miyamoto Adds “Favorites Mode” to Star Fox Zero

In a another video interview this morning, Mr. Miyamoto revealed a new play mode when asked about fan reactions to the upcoming Star Fox Zero. To his surprise, the amount of fan requests for certain characters to return was simply overwhelming, with the vast majority of fans demanding Krystal's return in some form, as well as a playable Wolf character.
"To be honest, I am just a little bit disappointed," Mr. Miyamoto said, laughing, "I have spent over a year polishing every aspect of this game, along with dozens of other team members. However, many players focus almost exclusively on the character roster. I think it is something we also see with Super Smash Brothers and the excitement of predicting who will be the next revealed fighter. Because of that, I think we are partly to blame for how much our players focus on our characters." Mr. Miyamoto went on to explain that he can somewhat empathize with players' interest in specific characters. He lamented that one of his favorites, Slippy Toad, is almost always looked down upon by players.
To address these demands, Mr. Miyamoto explained a plan he hopes will satisfy fans for now: "I think most of all they want to play as Krystal and Wolf. They want them very strongly. We were unable to add unique story paths for these characters, or any others, due to scheduling and development resources. Instead, we have added a special mode to Star Fox Zero." In this mode, players will be able to choose their favorite Star Fox character from any game in the series. During the various missions, every character and NPC in the game will be replaced with the character the player picked.
Mr. Miyamoto also volunteered a bit of information about how the voice acting of the 'favorites' mode will work. Only Falco, Slippy, Peppy, Wolf, and Krystal will be fully voiced with all the dialog. Any other character the player picks will simply use the existing recorded dialog for the character they are replacing. Fox McCloud, who was already the main character, will not have his alternate dialog when chosen in the favorite mode. The sheer amount of dialog required to allow every character to voice every other character was too great to accomplish in a reasonable timeframe or budget. However, visually, every character will be fully modeled in 3D, ready to step into any and all roles in the game.
Watch Full Interview - Favorites Mode discussion starts at 04:01
Happy April Fools Day everyone!
Thanks for all your comments! I thought no-one would be fooled after such a silly picture at the top of the post. For those of you fooled, be careful of believing things when they happen to be what you want to hear.
XD Awesome. Now we can start petitioning for Panther to join too ;P
Miyomoto my hero I’d tell you I love you but I’m not that kinda guy wait one sec *SLAP!* oww its no dream this time YAY! MIYOMOTO YOU ROCK
I seem to recall this being hinted at during E3. It was suggested using Falco Amiibo would allow you to play as Falco. The must have opted out of making more Star Fox Amiibo.
If I’m dreaming don’t wake me up, Krystal in Zero as a DLC/Extra sigh what can make the game any better?
On one hand I feel bad for Miyamoto because of all the pressure to please everyone, but on the other hand, I wasn’t the one bitching on social media, so I’m zero percent negligible for this. However, on the other hand, KRYSTAL’S BACK! TIME TO KRONK THIS SHIZNIT ‘CROSS THE LYLAT!
its no dream but it was aprial fools ARRRK WE’VE BEEN DUPED! I should have known it was to good to be true.
I laughed
I didn’t *sits in the corner moping*
Nice try, Mr. K. As convincing as this article may have been, I actually remembered what today is. Besides, I think there would’ve been another slight delay if that was the case. That image though has to be my favorite thing of this article.
nothing on miiverse
nothing on google news
nothing on youtube
and the link is to a terrable music video, its too good to be true way to kill the hype mr K.
I lol’d
This is what Nintendo gets when they don’t pay attention to the fan base.
Thanks! I worked on it for like 45 minutes!
so basically is just replacing a character in that scene have krystal voice over it or any character they decide to go that route? i guess those are optional, if fans of krystal, wants to hear her voice.
Perhaps you’ll like this video better:
if its another terrable music video I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!
when I saw this I was just like “krikey, they did all that so close to the release date?”
Oh… That’s right. Today is incessant prank day. When you work as hard as I do for as little I make, you start forgetting holidays.
Darth Vader: The reaction is strong with this one. :D
@the Falcon
I know that feel, but hey, you’ve gotta take time for the important times in your life.
thanks for mentioning me in your podcast!
It’s almost scary how well those heads have been edited onto the bodies.
@Mr. Krystal
I hope this isn’t an April Fools Day Prank
@Mr. Krystal
Thanks, Mr. K. :)
I really enjoyed this April Fools joke but I also feel a little bad now. I thought everyone was joining in earlier and knew it was a joke. Although what I posted wasn’t a lie. It really was something Nintendo suggested they might do for Amiibo support.
Guess they weren’t here for the year Krystal Archive turned into the Panther Archive. That was a memorable April Fools XD
I remember one year it was Renamon. XD
Man, that interview with Miyamoto was awsome!!!
I had to hear a guy singing for 4 minutes, but is getting even better when he’s done.
(Although i would wanted Krystal as a secret multiplayer charracter or even better, playable on smash)
*Humming song*
Ya know, I just came here to see what April Fools joke you had cooked up for this year! :P Should have told them Star Fox Zero was cancelled like I did! it’s alittle more believable seeing as they have cancelled previous Star Foxs before! ;)
Panther Archive, you say? Do you know what year that prank was? I’d actually like to see that now!
Can’t remember the year (it was before the site redesign), but I remember the banner changed and everything went from blue to purple.
I was so hyped! Then I remembered what day it is today -.-
Does anyone have any saved screen shots of those other April fools jokes Mr.K made :D I wanna see the joke archives.
I was reading this post kinda surprised at such an idea so I eagerly opened the video to see if there was any footage. And then for the first time ever, I’ve been Rick rolled… this can’t be happening! I got pranked!! NOOOOOO!!! T_T shame on me.
@Mr. Krystal
@Mr. Krystal
WHYYYYY!!!!!! You got me. And I was just half a min ago jumping and screaming. But, I knew the pic was weird. However! Once you mentioned Miyamoto I straight away thought. My god this is legit.
That’s amazing! Reactions before AND after the joke is revealed. You made my day, Lucas.
I’ve got it backed up somewhere. I need to restore the rest of the site.
hello, I am working on those (very late
) fanfiction reviews!
for those who care I found some guy online who managed to put together a krystal amiibo.
what if you like this is my last comment here.
Oh man. Just seen this and I was fooled for about a minute, but I was hoping it was true. Still, it’s a good post. The photo is cool as well. Nice work Mr K.
@Mr. Krystal
No prob man! You really got me going though. HAHA! I wonder what your going to do next year, and don’t worry I won’t check the calendar so I could give my best reaction!
wouldn’t surprise me if that was a april fools joke.
Had me fooled all the way until the end.
Happy belated “Don’t believe a single word you read on the Internet” day.
Actually, I knew this was a April Fools joke and saw it from a mile away. What was written there was too good to be true. Oh well, it’s like Mr. Krystal said, good things come to us who wait. ^^
all previous comments were for @Mr. Krystal
I could tell just by the picture that it was a joke… XD
It would have been nice though
Hey everyone, check out this new video on Zero/Guard from Nintendo UK! Also, I promise that this is an actual video, not a prank.
^^I love what you can do with the falco amiibo
Nintendo UK tweeted a Star Fox Adventures tweet. Not sure that makes much sense. Here is the tweet link: https://twitter.com/NintendoUK/status/718000560797007872
Really love the fact they are showing off the rest of the series. Even if it’s only a little bit. I’m guessing Star Fox Assault will get a tweet next Thursday.