Attending Nightmare Nights this Weekend

Hey friends. Mr. Krystal here with a personal quick heads up for anyone planning to attend Nightmare Nights, the Dallas Brony Con, this weekend. I will be there! I plan to cosplay Friday and Saturday. I'll be the one with the HUGE smile. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see me. If you see me, stop by and say hello! I love talking to site readers.
This also means my response to comments and emails will be even more delayed than usual. Thanks for the understanding.
I’m no brony I only like zekora and nightmaremoon, nightmaremoon mostly.
lol, your a brony/pega sister? don’t worry i’m one too, but not hardcore one. good lucky over there.
yeah… if nightmare moons involved then we’ll talk.
glads your going…and having fun, Mr. K