LucasJG1994 Arranges Krazoa Palace Theme

As with the Krystal Captured Theme, LucasJG1994 has generated the arrangement for the Krazoa Palace theme. You can listen to a piano rendition, or download the sheet music and midi forms. The midi file can be used your own creations if you have some music-editing software.
There's even a visualized version!
It’s nice to see music of Adventures getting some attention. Never understood why there aren’t more remixes of the music from that game. Likewise with Assault.
and just by conicidence I’m working on the overworld themes for my game. I like it, its sinister like the krazoa them selves I need a sinister theme for the dark palace since its inspired by the krazoa palace.
I’m almost done with the Krazoa Shrine theme. But I don’t if I should Orchestrate it or not. We’ll see when the time comes. XD Glad to see you guys like the arrangement.
If you guys want to get into arranging music or even composing your own music you can download the free software here:
You must have basic knowledge of music theory and notation since everything is done with sheet music. However if you can read tabs you can choose to use guitar tabs instead of sheet music. ;)
Nice job on the music. Program looks neat, but I’ll stick with my guitar and intuition for now.
BTW, Mr Krystal, the Archive is still on Daylight Saving Time.
when i listen to it, it kind reminds me of perfect dark in a way.
It sounds great, but i think you should putt some bass cleffs on the top staff in order to avoid to many ledger lines.
Nice idea. However the line that runs throughout the sheet music is the sustain pedal. I know that doesn’t really need that but when dealing with midi sounds. The cutting off of sound between the notes is just horrible. The other lines that are dotted are for indicating if you should play a note higher or lower an Octave. If you don’t use these lines you’ll find a lot of you notes all over the place. you can place a bass clef on the top staff but that’s only when dealing with different parts. Of course, you can split this song up as well but I didn’t think it was necessary.
Good idea though. ;)
What I really did wrong though was I didn’t set a key signature which is why there’s so many accidentals. Need to work on that.
Woops misunderstood. Should have used the 8va for the middle section.
Looks like I’m gonna be taking this into FL studio for a remix!
@The Falcon
Thanks. I have corrected it.
@Mr. Krystal,
No problem, buddy.
Sorry from not answering,
1). I think you should add a F minor scale (and of cource interchange the G# into A flat and C# into D flat).
2). The sustain pedal could be skipped if you hold the notes for longer, but you need it in certain parts (as you said), so is best to keep it.
3). you don’t need 8vas everywhere (e.x. 13th meter), just raise the notes an octave. There’s not so many ledger lines (is best to keep them if there only like 3-4 or are in a perfect octave that the top or botom note is on the staff.
4). If you’re cheap on paper or have the same track, put some Repeat signs.
5). I made a sheet correcting all of those except 4 (it didn’t need it).
So all in all thats how you make a sheet for reading (if it was a MIDI, simply put the scale and you’re done)
I also messed around with the left hand because i felt it was empty, I might show it later.
P.S.: BTW, I liked your SM64 Water Theme.
Ah nice! I see what you’re saying. All in all it’s quite difficult to make sheet music.
True didn’t need the 8vas. But the middle piece could have used the 8vbs which would have gotten rid of those ledger lines.
One thing that I find difficult is getting a rhythm with the piano notes. For example (I’ll send you a link to my recent arrangement “Don’t want to say what it is yet.” I have no sustain pedal line throughout the song. Only the beginning and ending.) I feel that this is where the piano blossoms a lot in. The sustain pedal can create beautiful pieces for the notes but constant use just spoils it.
Glad you liked SM64 Water Theme. :)
Repeat signs will be pretty useful.
I meant to say send it to your email. :p
Jakkspacific world of nintendo has released all four members of the starfox team in action figure form.
I own 3 of them but not slippy yet.
what you guys think of the chances of krystal joining them.
heres a link to the ebay page it hase all four figures among other things.
Just as I’m getting into music production. Great timing Mr K!
Oddly enough, I ONLY have the Slippy one. I have Fox, Falco, and Peppy on my Christmas list (because I’m hard to shop for, and so they make a good, easy item to get me). There’s also a Target-exclusive all-grey Fox McCloud.
Chances of Krystal joining? Very low. Chances of recoloring a Fox figure to be Krystal? Pretty high.