Smash Bros. Switch Port Rumored to Add Characters

Here we go again! Supposedly accurate leaker, Doctor_Cupcakes, is saying that the rumored Super Smash Bros. port for the Nintendo Switch (from the Wii U) will add some characters to the roster, but not that many. Adding new characters to go along with a release of a popular game only makes good business sense, and the game is certainly not lacking in past DLC examples of doing just that.
Of course, I think it's fairly certain that everyone here both wants Krystal to make the cut, and also is kind of burned out on the idea, because she was expected for so long with no results. But, I'm an eternal optimist, so I'm going to look forward to these developments, even if it doesn't work out in my favor. If Krystal doesn't make it, some other fans will get some love, which isn't the worst thing in the world.
You guys have to let it go theres no love for starfox in smash as far as I’m concerned smash is dead.
I was disappointed to not have Krystal in Smash. Even though I’m very hyped if this rumor were true we’ll have to go through the hoping if Krystal gets chosen tension again. I’m not saying it won’t happen but I’m not gonna start jumping up and down until I see her in Smash, this will also determine weather I buy the smash game for Switch.
unless krystal joins smash or wolf returns smash stays in its grave I don’t care how pritty they make it.
@N J Fox
And don’t forget about story. Even though I never played Brawl. I wanted too because it had an interesting story. I hope they do the same with this switch version and not just plop it on the system.
I really do hope that at the very least Wolf returns!!
Quite honestly, the whole idea of Krystal being in the game is neat and would set light on what even is canon in the Star Fox universe now (considering Nintendo has retconned everything and starting from SF Zero), but it isn’t even a thing I will die over if not seen to fruition. For example, the fact that Bayonetta made it into Smash is (for me) a better choice than Krystal considering Bayonetta is truly her own thing (time warp abilities, crazy as hell combos, demon powers, etc). Personally, the only true reasons I would like Krystal in smash is 1) because Star Fox would be getting attention and 2) she would offer a new unique play-style for the game
I hope 1 of those spots goes for Krystal. If that doesn’t happen, I’m going to be down right piss.
$10 says ones a fire emblem character and the others a mario character.
if it was a wii u and 3ds port for the “switch”, then i probably wait for the actual one that come way later then. adding new characters, i don’t know, that a lot of character out there, but don’t give hopes up, they might or might not do it.
The best way to get Krystal in Smash bros is to keep mentioning you want her in and for her to return to Star Fox. By not saying anything it just decreases the reasons to include her. She might still get added but more of a chance if there is demand for her.
Which brings up something I want to test out. Nintendo UK are doing a poll on their twitter account for who people would like on top of their Christmas Tree. You can’t vote for anything Star Fox related.. However I wonder what would happen if a lot were to tweet a response to that poll about wanting a Star Fox character or the whole team on top of the tree. It’s at least worth giving it a go.
Just found out that Nintendo has posted on Miiverse they are looking for pictures of Nintendo themed Christmas Tree decorations. Star Fox would definitely be part of this.
we mention krystal during the ballet and it reduced her chances to zero in mere months try it again now and we’ll get the same result. its not like they’ll pick her just cause there out of good ideas.
My point is that doing nothing will worsen her chances of appearing in new games and Smash bros. So long as we show interest there is always a chance. By not showing interest basically giving Nintendo another reason not to include her. Either way she could still be added or not. I would rather show interest so Nintendo know I’m interested as opposed to showing no interest and Nintendo losing interest as well. That’s how I view it. It might not make a huge different but I would rather try.
Not to be negative here but in my on personal opinion if words and speaking out about getting Krystal in a game were to work, we would have seen Krystal in Smash already. I know your being positive and that is commendable but I think we’re past the point of just using demands and speeches at this point.
I’ve said this time and time again in past posts. “Do something!” What I mean by this is instead of relying on Nintendo to get what we want, why not do it ourselves. We can do (Fanfiction, Fan Art, Fan games, Fan comics and Fan animation) Pick one of these and spread the word about Krystal.
Do an animated series explaining Krystal’s origins and tell her side of the story, or make a game (It doesn’t need to be a shooter game to make it Star Fox. You do what you want)
Now if Nintendo sees these projects that we fans do. They will see how hard working we are to bring her back to the Star Fox series. Just saying “Hey Nintendo we want Krystal!” isn’t going to cut it.
I’ve heard from others on this website that they are making some projects (Sorry I can’t remember the names). How have those been going?
My project is still in its beginners stage and will take quite some time since I have to do the art, music, animation and programming for this game project. If I had a team of people working together it would be a lot more faster.
And if you want to play as Krystal so badly. Download this free SSB fan game here:
It even has Krystal as a playable character
Oddly enough when I posted about showing interest your idea about fan projects is also part of what I meant by that. The most important thing is for Nintendo to know of your interest.
Good to know! All we can do is do what we can. It’ll feel good when we work hard for what we want and Nintendo will see it too. I mean, now is the time to do it! Nintendo is now looking at Indie developers and their games. Not only did they get into contact with the developer of Undertale but under their list of upcoming games they have an indie game set for release for the Wii U named “The Next Penelope” I was shocked when I saw this because the game was made in Construct 2.
If we can make a game about Krystal and it gets over a billion hits on the internet Nintendo will see it for sure. Let’s hope they don’t strike it and take it down though. That wouldn’t be cool.
So long as it’s a proper fan game I don’t think they will send a shut down notice. Time I have seen games get a shut down notice generally been copies of the games. On top of possible money the developers of said fan games might have made or have made.
I also put comment earlier with link to EU Nintendo Lounge miiverse post. They are looking for pictures of Nintendo Christmas tree decorations to share on miiverse. It’s not a proper competition so anyone can email an image for it. The only rule is it has to be Nintendo characters only in the picture. It’s a perfect opportunity to show Nintendo how much we like Krystal and Star Fox.
I doubt that Krystal would ever appear in future Star Fox games, as well as Super Smash Bros.
@J.T. Gillin
You’re forgetting that Star Fox has two sides of fans. One side loves the old Star Fox games back from SNES to N64. Then you have the other side where fans grew up with Star Fox Adventures and Assault. Krystal isn’t like the cancelled Star Fox 2 game they refuse to acknowledge, so they won’t just throw her out. After all she appeared in three Star Fox games.
If Nintendo were those kinds of developers that throw out their characters then wouldn’t characters like Mario and Link be in trouble of this if they had bad sales.
True Star Fox Zero wasn’t so hot, but that’s not Krystal’s doing either. That game flopped because people were hoping for a brand new game, not a N64 re-imagining.
So for future Star Fox games I think she’ll come back just fine. But as for Smash I’m not so sure since she has to go up against other characters that are being voted for the spot as well.
@LucasJG1994 We’ll have to wait and see.
Oh please god! Don’t bring Wolf back! EVER! I want only new characters. The fans just doesn’t know any better of what they’re asking for playable characters. There’s a whole world of characters that are just way better than Wolf.
Krystal is a fine choice. But since Cloud is in smash, and with tons of 3rd party supporters, anything goes. I’ll even take Sephiroth, Lightning, Squall, Noctis or some other Final Fantasy representative. I also would like Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden or Rayman.