Nintendo Switch Launches

Well folks! It's finally here. Launch day for one of the most anticipated Nintendo systems, and probably THE most anticipated Legend of Zelda ever. From what I'm hearing in the gaming news press, the hype is real and well-deserved. Zelda, in particular, is getting some of the highest scores for any video game ever. At the same time, it looks like it's going to be quite a bit more difficult than previous Zelda games. I can't wait to try both the system and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild tonight at midnight when I pick up my pre-order. I hope you all get the chance to do the same soon. I will have some initial thoughts on the game and Nintendo Switch tomorrow. Stay safe out there!
I’m so excited for the console and the game. I had the best experience in SF last weekend. I’m getting mine hopefully by Saturday if it’s still available.
For me, I get to wait only until 9 PM the day before launch to get my hands on pre ordered games (west coast!)… however Nintendo (or gamestop) seems to have made it so that the Switch is only available at midnight wherever you are… which sucks :c
I want the switch right now, is so bad… But i can’t buy it right now. Why!
I was first in line to get my system and copy of Breath of the Wild. I’ve played a bit of it, but I decided to quit for the night and go to bed. Happy Birthday to me (my birthday is a few days from now).
got one and all the awsome pre order swag can’t wait to try it after work. CHACHING! Breath of the wild!
Starfox adventures 2 still needs testing but I’m almost done with SFA2 Version 2.0
well have fun, i’m probably still going to get zelda botw for wii u and the for “switch”? probably when the next smash bros. or zelda (not botw) comes out.
I don’t think that Nintendo Switch can sell more than ten million copies.
I am loving every single bit of this console… Zelda is great fun, 1 2 Switch is too… I seriously can’t wait for the others to finally come out!