Nicki Tens Building a 3D Printed Krystal Cosplay

Nicki Tens is a fursuit and kigurumi cosplayer. Notably, she focuses on kigurumi furry characters, which is pretty rare in the world of cosplay (Ayano being another). She's played many characters over the years, but she is probably best known for her Bridget cosplay. Starting this summer, Nicki is learning mask-making with the hopes of being able to produce her own cosplay masks. Her first project: Krystal. If successful, this will be the first 3D printed Krystal cosplay.
She's currently experimenting with a 3D printer and will be posting regular updates to her Twitter feed. Check it out and follow her progress!
well good luck to her hope she has a 3d printer big enough and works.
i always want a 3d printer to print fictional weapons (most the weaons in perfect dark series, only the ones the look close to real firearms). anyway, its going to cost her alot especially doing the the body part.
Don’t you think she should be completely CGI?
what makes you say that?
ayano pulled it off for years.
I’m more concerned with what 3d printer the girls using.
I’m using a monoprice maker select v2 for now, but plan on learning on how to build my own so I can have a large build volume. As it is I’m going to have break the mask into at least six pieces or more once I size it to full scale. I’d like to try and avoid that in the future.
I’m a pro 3d modeler and have expirienced with a 3d printer I can help if you need it free tip never use g mod models.
It’s advised to use the Adventures or Assault model head for this sort of thing. That old model is kinda viewed down upon for not looking too accurate. Either way it’d be interesting to have a wearable mask.
Hey maybe this fursuit won’t scare me half to death like most of them. Oh and Jordan Sweeto created a smashboards thread advertising for Krystal, this looks like a good place to rally even more support for her
@ N J FOX Whenever you say, man. And Ayano will post some more next time.
This is just a test. She will be modeling her own Krystal mesh later.
Guys getting krystal in smash is a waste of time.
lets just go back to christmas decorations, we’ll never get krystal in smash we’re more likely going to get her in SFZ 2 for the switch(mythical of course theres no proof of a sequal to zero so far.).
@N J Fox
“Guys getting krystal in smash is a waste of time.” This kind of thinking is what makes everyone silent and we won’t see her in anything official ever. As for SFZ 2 we probably won’t see another one for 2-4 years minimum(depending on how badly Miyamoto wants Star Fox as a franchise to succeed). Don’t go telling people that what they’re supporting is a waste of time it doesn’t benefit anyone especially our own fan-base and only makes people upset/angry. Nintendo is trying to listen to the people… here is some proof( Also Nintendo is trying to get into the competitive gaming scene and is starting to support E-sports more now. Here is an article of interviews from the current top smash players in the world about who they want to see in smash as proof that Krystal does matter when it comes to a possible smash inclusion.
Sorry if I came off as a bit rugged I don’t intend that at all I just don’t like hearing my fellow Krystal fans so resigned on certain topics especially smash, a game that has been close to my heart for nearly 20 years.
Wow! Now we have some more cosplayers! Since her and Ayano are friends it might be funny to have two Krystal’s running around. Quick Question. I have an Atari 600XL P.C. I was hoping to do some true 8-bit music with for Star Fox and other games. It worked fine for a month, but then I can’t get picture out of it except for a black screen with red and blue flashing lines. HELP PLEASE!!! =;( (Please don’t say “Blow on the cart.” it boot’s up automatically to BASIC PROGRAMING.)
@Mr. Krystal Will Ayano be jealous of Nicki Tens?
UPDATE:knew images of the krazoa side quest for starfox adventures 2 featuring a look inside a krazoa shrine, and krystals encounter with a krazoa spirit.
Ayano has spent so much time in her Command suit. I wish she would appear in her summer bikini again.
I also saw that she made a fursuit of Laila from Roadside Romeo.
will this Website have a Discord server in the future?
I saw Ayano as Mahnya, the furry genie.
Thanks for the offer of assistance, NJ, but I have it under control for now. And this head is more of a medium-poly model from DAZ, though I am doing a subdivide to round out the mesh quite a bit to kill some of the visible polygons I noticed when testing prints.
And if my Krystal comes out well enough to take out and show off, I won’t wear her around Ayano if we’re at the same venue. I don’t wanna step on her toes, y’know?