Zero Suit Photos from Furry Fiesta

Vulpine Media has sent me 20 more photos, including photos of Ayano sporting her new Zero Suit like Samus's suit from Metroid.
While we were shooting photos and video on Saturday and Sunday, a gentleman who goes by Cerivano hung out with us and took some photos of Ayano. He sent me all 38 photos he shot and I have uploaded them as well. You can see even more photos of Ayano's Zero Suit Samus costume among his photos.
Check out the Furry Fiesta 2017 album on Flickr to see all the photos. As always, these photos have also been added to the Krystal Cosplay group.
from this angle it dosen’t look to bad.
those man eating plants scare me.
Nice pics. Ayano never disappoints!
JubJub62 broke his own record btw:
He also uploaded some tutorials for glitches. My favorite one, It’s quite easy and saves time:
Boy, Ayano might even wear her zero suit in the summertime.
Wow… Got to go for a day. Sorry I missed her.
The flowers in the background: FEED ME KRYSTAL FEED ME