Smash 4 Krystal Mod Based on LittleDragon Rig In Progress

Modder ShadowSnake has taken on the huge task of converting the high poly LittleDragon Krystal rig to work as a Smash 4 playable character. He is going to use Palutena (the game's lone staff user) as the base character, so Krystal should have her staff. Other features will include a modded height to make her as tall as Fox and Falco, rigged facial expressions, moving eyes, a voice pack, and a rigged tail (hooked to the dress bones of Palutena). ShadowSnake is also considering her Star Fox Assault jumpsuit as an alt skin. If this gets completed, it will be one of the most impressive mods for any character in Super Smash Bros Wii U!
The mod is at approximately at the 20% mark. You can read more and follow progress on the GameBanana Listing.
ShadowSnake himself emailed me with the announcement, so I hope we'll see more from him in the future. Speaking of emails, there are currently 632 in my inbox. I got some very cool emails from some of you while I was away and will be responding to them soon. Sorry for the delay.
Oh this is going to be glorious! Btw, new animation by TheIronGauntlet (same person who animated the Wolf vs. Krystal fight a little while ago). It’s quite short but has lots of cuteness to it. ‘Krystal’ makes a cameo and if you look closely, you can even see ‘Tricky’ ;)
sound like a skin mod and not a full mod.
It’s more than that. It’s somewhere between changing the texture and building a character from scratch. Rerigging the bones alone is a very difficult task.
can he replace palitenas tournts to I’ll have krystal over a pole dancing god anyday.
but it still dosen’t renew my fath in smash. till its officialy done. let me know when the mods done.
As happy as I am that there is going to be a Krystal mod for Smash 4, I am personally not a fan of the CharleyFox/LittleDragon rig. No offense to either of them and the hard work that they put into their rigs, but to me, the uncanny valley and amateurishness from their rig is glaring; it just doesn’t look like something Nintendo would have made. And yet, it is the most widely used Krystal rig for fanmade works.
Personally, I prefer the GreyFireFox/CakeInferno Krystal rig. Not only is it more hi-res than the CF/LD rig, but it looks more like a professionally-made (i.e., made by Nintendo) Krystal rig than the CF/LD rig. It’s much closer to what she would look like in a game or a movie than the CF/LD rig, in my opinion. I would hope that a future mod for any sort of game, be it Smash Bros., Star Fox, or otherwise, uses the GFF/CI rig.
@Mr. Krystal
i don’t know, but what you post, kind of sound similar to a skin mod. usually a character have it’s own bones and rigging system from the start, instead of using pre-made ones. think that’s how project m team did with those characters that wasn’t in brawl to begin with.
When I think of “Skin Mod”, I think of simply replacing one texture for another, which is trivial to do. If you are also including literally any change that doesn’t involve starting from scratch with a character as a skin mod, then you have a HUGE range of quality and work that can be in a skin mod. What I’m saying here, is simply that this is a LOT more effort planned for this mod than other Krystal mods (that I know of). I don’t know anyone even attempting to build brand new characters from scratch for Smash 4 with new movesets and the like. Do you know of any, Rareware#1Fan?
@Mr. Krystal
i think that would be a “texture mod” if they just recolor the color, but i guess we have different definition of it. for smash bros, wii u?, nope, i mostly see people using different kind of 3d models on a official character, like goku with ryu’s moveset.