Star Fox 2 Manual, Interview, and Dev Docs

Early this morning, Nintendo of Japan posted a lot of stuff about Star Fox 2. And I mean a LOT! There was an interview with some of the Japanese developers, and both the Japanese and English Star Fox 2 Official Manuals. The manuals are website-based, but otherwise follow a similar format to classic game manuals, complete with story, controls information, character bios, and much more. Plus, we got to see some development documents, detailed Arwing schematics, and original concept art for the Star Wolf team. The character page includes mobile wallpapers, and notes that while Star Fox 2 was completed back in the 90s, promotional materials were not. As a result, Nintendo brought back one of the original artists from the game to make the brand new artwork we're now seeing for Star Fox 2. I guess that answers the question about the artwork!
I still haven't had a chance to go through everything yet, but there is much more here, including instructions for actually playing the game. I hope they translate the interview too! If you guys find anything else interesting, or find the translated interview or development documents, please let me know in the comments below!
- Star Fox 2 Developer Nintendo Japan Interview
- Star Fox 2 Official Manual (Japanese)
- Star Fox 2 Official Manual (English)
- Star Fox 2 Aircraft Schematic Drawings
- Star Fox 2 Game Design Documents
- Star Wolf Concept Art
Thanks to N J FOX for the heads up.
Awesome! Like the Holy Grail for furries.
It’s a shame the descriptions for Miyu and Fay are so short, but at least it’s something.
I didn’t realise that they were from the Cornerian army.
It’s also interesting to see the proper names for the craft, I’ve been calling them the Arwing, Bomber and Intercepter till now. It’s going to take a while to adjust. It seems they were just referred to as ‘A-type’, ‘B-type’ and ‘C-type’ to begin with.
The manual also mentions the Pepper coins, referred to as ‘mysterious medals’, but still doesn’t say what they do! I wonder if it has to do with unlocking expert mode, add it does say: ‘EXPERT mode is only selectable after clearing HARD mode under certain conditions’. Somehow, I doubt it, but I can’t think what else they could do.
Right, time to fire up Blender3D and make some transforming Arwing models!
aww I wanted to do that I even have some ideas on how to animate them.
if there was any doubt that nintendo wasn’t giving up on SF then this is solid proof that they want it to keep going.