jimaki’s Krystal Theme on Piano

Site reader jimaki sent me an email with his piano rendition of Krystal's Theme from Star Fox Adventures. If you guys like it, let him know in the comments and he'll work on it some more to improve it and create music sheets.
Jimaki also sent in a link to his sheet music for SNES Star Fox's Cornerian theme.
I think the song is nice, but it’s a little calm and was expecting some kind of “hmp!” to really beef up the song, since the original was more upbeat in a way.
I perfer the cape claw version of this song why couldn’t they make a more amazonise theme for krystal instead of ewww jazz.
@StarDog Smasher
Yeah I sorta slowed down on some parts. I also tried to pull it off at one recording, so, I wasn’t as fast as I wanted.
@N J FOX and Mr. Krystal
I’m still buffled on the fact you are considering this jazz music (probably because the original had all that “sexy” sax bros, ehhh!?)
And the irony is that my piano teacher is playing in a jazz band, :P
Still, if you prefer the cape claw version, is easy to make, you just change the timing’s, although I don’t know how it will translate to the piano.
I think it’s pretty good. While the original had this sexy vibe, this one is more relaxing and I like that.
I also recorded some guitar versions for Riding a SnowHorn & ThornTail Hollow Night (not the full versions, though):
Both are not in the correct key. ThornTail Hollow would have been if it wasn’t for my guitar being tuned half step down. When it comes to Riding a SnowHorn I just figured the parts out based on the song playing in my head, rather than actually listening to it. That’s why it ended up being in Gm instead of Am. Both of the songs are also faster than the original, especially ThornTail Hollow. On this one I was also trying to express my own style of playing during the intro. I’m actually not too happy with these covers (guitar being out of tune…) but I thought I’d share them anyway. I’m still kind of new to recording and would consider myself a hobby musician at best. Aparoid Pigma would say: You have been warned :D
@Mr. Brownstone
This is the reason I decided to make this version.
Your songs are great!!! If I lived near you I’ll come to do a gig with you.
Now, don’t worry that you could make it better. Every time your improving it, you will always say that it still needs that “something”. I’ve been there mate
I’m also a hobbyist, but I’m planning to upgrade to a DGX-660 and getting a piano degree in the near future.
The thing I like about playing music is to make out part of songs by hearing it or playing at random untill I find a tune that seems similar.
Sometimes, I make something great, some others I wish I didn’t find it
Examples (you can figure out the timing’s):
1). G, Bflat, G, F, Bflat, Eflat, F, Eflat, D, Bflat, C, D, Eflat, F, G.
2)F#M chord, G#M chord, G#, FCD# chord, Bflat minor chord, Aflat, Gflat, F, Eflat.
it sounded okay.
I didn’t mean to imply it was jazz. It isn’t jazz.
Nice cover. It’s has a cute romantic vibe, but not as cheesy as the original.
HATE JAZZ?!?!?!?! HOW CAN SOMEONE HATE JAZZ?!?!?!?!?!?! I guess people have their preferences and I respect that, but true classic 1920’s-1950’s jazz/swing is one of my favorite types of music. Glenn Miller is one of my favorite composers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjq1aTLjrOE
Thanks man, I really appreciate it! I will probably re-record both versions at some point and I already have plans for the Dark Ice Mines Night theme. This time I will make sure that the guitar is actually in tune and that I record the song in the correct key ;D
I know this is about Jimaki’s cover but are there any other opinions on my music as well? I was surprised that Jimaki actually liked it, so I’d like to know what the rest of you guys think. I’m such an attention whore! ;D
@Mr. Brownstone
Have you figured out the songs I wrote?
Also I’m gonna say this again: The electric guitar escalated those songs to another level. If I ask you some covers to play can you do it?
I didn’t have the time yet. I tried your first example but wasn’t able to tell. I probably had the wrong timing to figure the melody out. Is it something SF related or something entirely original?
The thing about me is: Even though I know the basics of music theory and stuff, I rather figure things out by ear and feel. While playing I never think about the notes I play, but I know what I want to hear. When it comes to ThornTail Hollow, for instance, all I knew was that it’s in Dm (guitar was tuned half step down, it ended up in C#m). So I started experimenting with the D minor scale to figure out the melody. Didn’t take too long either. After that, it was more of a muscle memory thing. It’s not like I cannot tell you the exact notes, but I have to look into it again to do so. I’m not home atm, so my guitar is out of reach. Will be back there in a few hours.
It really depends on the song. These 2 SFA songs were actually not that hard to figure out & play. I doubt that you can just throw any song at me to cover. I’m probably not the right guy for that. I can give it a try, though. However, I will focus on the Dark Ice Mines next and maybe I will also cover Krystal’s theme using my Wah-Wah pedal to make it super sexy xD Key is Gmaj, isn’t it?
You really got better at your arrangements. Nice job. Keep up the nice work