4K Fichina Briefing Japanese and Mixed Versions
Here's the Japanese version of the Star Fox Assault Fichina Briefing scene. As usual, the characters are more expressive, especially Fox. Here, he has a genuine look of surprise at one point, and in another, a silent laugh. Both are completely absent from the English version.
Now, let's combine the Japanese animation with the English voice acting and text. This time the lipsyncing mostly ok.
I also noticed that in the English version, Falco speaks some of ROB's lines.
I love these mixes of Japanese and English briefings from the game. It’s just too bad that the eye expressive animation didn’t make it onto the English port of the game. Then none would have to make these vids.
what do you think could have been the reason behind the lack of expression in the english version? Japanese is sooo much more lively!