Russian Krystal Tattoo

A gentleman who I will call "demolition2013" from Irkutsk, Russia sent me a couple photos of his arm tattoo from 2016 that imitates Krystal's thigh tattoo. It's actually a really nice and compact rendition, with a tighter spiral, thicker lines, and closer arrows, when compared to a more game-accurate tattoo. I don't normally like tattoos, but if I were going to get one, it would be one like this: simple, abstract, and plausible deniability if someone asks you what it means. ;)
Compared to this Krystal back tattoo that subcomfeppo had done, or the Krazoa head chest tattoo by leonsdrago619 over at, demolition2013's tattoo is much more subtle and nice in my opinion.
Thanks for sending this in, demolition2013!