Nintendo at E3 2018

It's E3 season, friends! Microsoft and some other companies have already had their reveals. Nintendo will be presenting their Nintendo Direct last, on Tuesday morning at 9AM Pacific (12PM Eastern), followed by three straight days of streaming games from the Treehouse. There will also be a Splatoon 2 tournament (on Monday afternoon) and a Smash Switch tournament right after the Nintendo Direct on Tuesday.
This year's announcements will prove to be very interesting, with lots of games expected to be on display including Super Smash Bros. for Switch, Metroid Prime 4, maybe the new main-line Pokémon games for Switch (not the Let's Go games, new ones for 2019), and VERY maybe, the next Star Fox game, which might just be that rumored racing game.
Be sure and join us on the Krystal Archive Discord Server to watch the streams live with all of us.
Edit: "Nintendo's E3 at 2018"?! Apparently I can't grammar when I'm tired.
While I try to watch the E3 shows live, sadly, I won’t be able to this year. I just started a new job about a month or so ago, so I can’t really take the time off of work to watch them. I’ll have to wait until the weekend to do so.
i’ve only watch the 3 main ones (ms, sony and nintendo’s), ms one was boring, don’t know about sony’s and nintendo’s e3 always seem a bit better than the other 2 overall.
smash bros. switch: still curious about that one.
metroid prime 4: hopefully we get a e3 trailler of it also i’m getting when ever it’s released.
pokemon: hmm… lost touch since the 1st gen. already.
star fox: still don’t know much about it and probably not going to buy it.