Krystal Easter Egg in Serious Sam 3

We got a surprise today from GoldenFox51 when, while experimenting with Krystal mods for Serious Sam 3, he found a Krystal-related easter egg in the game! Released in November 22, 2011, I can't believe we didn't hear of this easter egg for seven years!
After going to the Secret Yard of Fame in the first level of the game (Summer in Cairo), the player can look at posters for many (all?) of the game's developers, along with a tagline for each. One person's tagline states:
Anton "Mischievous" Marinov -- Furry for Krystal since 2010
Note: The Krystal model in the screenshot above is a mod. The text and poster behind her are not.
The developer in question is Anton Antonov Marinov, a 3D Environment Artist artist for Ubisoft who has also dabbled in programming and tooling. He has more recently worked on the Assassin's Creed series. His public profile on Artstation actually features Krystal as his avatar! Definitely a Krystal fan!
Don't believe it? Here's a video of kacpi26 playing through the game's various easter eggs, including this one. The poster is shown at timestamp 6:05. (Warning: Language and Blood in other parts of the video.)
V-TAL, who had previously spoken to the the artist, implied that there may be other Krystal easter eggs in other games. I'm going to contact Mr. Marinov about this.
Thanks to GoldenFox51, Jimaki, TheVestige, and V-TAL for screenshots and info.
Yep this Easter egg is in all versions of Serious Sam 3 and it’s NOT triggered by mods. (I went in to check it again with no mods and it’s still there)
A buddy of mine who’s played this game since 2011 says that message has always been there, even on the console versions.
Finally got around to sharing this to KA, I’ve known about this Easter egg for months now so apologizes for not showing it sooner.
SS3 has Krystal and Star Fox mods on the Steam Workshop so be sure to check those out too!
This is cool. The first time that there is a Krystal reference or Easter egg in a third party title. It proves that she is pretty popular. I remember there was a Easter egg in Watch Dogs when I played it on the PS4 when I activated an electronic sign that said “Do a barrel roll!” That same quote is also in Forza Horizon 4 that is one of the quick chat quotes you can select and also from Super Smash Bros when Captain Falcon says “Show me your moves!”
That’s nothing. I’ve been furry for Krystal since 2005, when Star Fox: Assault was released. ;)
Get on my level, son. Furry for Krystal since 2003.