Star Fox Command Ship Models Released

In a big release on December 4th, Models Resource has released 14 different ship models for download from Star Fox Command. This includes Krystal's Cloud Runner ship. These are all pretty low polygon, as expected for a DS game. Regardless, these have been a very long time coming. I'm surprised it has taken this long, since I know people have been trying to get these models for many years. I'm not sure if these are all the Playable Ships, or if there are few more. We also get the Great Fox 2, the ship the team was presumably lent to them after the Great Fox was destroyed in the attack on the Aparoid Homeworld. There are no ripped enemy ships, however.
Available right now:
- Arwing
- Arwing II
- Black Rose
- Bullfrog
- Cat's Paw 2
- Cloud Runner
- Cornerian Fighter
- Great Fox
- Monkey Arrow
- Rainbow Delta
- Sky Bunny
- Sky Claw
- Tadpole
- Wolfen
Thanks to Nooga for ripping these. And thanks to NJ Fox for bringing this to my attention.
Wow! I remember looking over the files to see if ripping them would be simple and didn’t really figure anything out, Surprised to finally see these ripped. I’m also in the market for Cloudrunner models though so good find.