17 Years Online

The Krystal Archive has been online since January 8th, 2006! 17 years will give you such a crick in the neck!
The thing I want to say most is that my real life has remained somewhat busier than I had hoped, which lead to some periods in 2022 where multiple weeks, even whole months, passed by with no updates to the site. And while it would be easy to say that I've been too busy with real life, in reality it's something else. I have a tremendous amount of things to post about. Hundreds of posts worth of content. Each one can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to write and post. Facing that daunting amount of stuff, I tell myself that "I'll do that when I can dedicate a large amount of time to sit down and focus exclusively on the site," which you can imagine rarely happens.
No, better habits are the key. I need to be willing to do one or two little things in the time I have, rather than focusing on the whole pile. If I can get to one post a day, I think that would be good. I'd ask for help, but managing people right now would probably be more work than simply doing it myself right now, at least until I can get a better system in place.
So what's next? I think recording a new podcast episode is in order. We haven't had an episode since January of 2020. Once again, it's a task that takes several hours by itself. But I will work hard to make that happen in the coming days!
well… managing the site by yourself is really hard work already, but it’s okay to take time and rest.
wait, you telling me that this site was created 2 days before my 21th birthday?
Dang! 17 years! Congratulations!