Krystal Tattoo Symbol Similar to Reynolds Logistics’ Logo

Well this is interesting. Some people noticed that Reynolds Logistics, a fuel and chemical transport company in Europe, has a logo that looks like it is inspired by Krystal's hip tattoo. Or was it copied?
The question arises: which one came first? That logo for the company, or Krystal's tattoo? Reynolds Logistics was founded in 1928, but their website didn't exist until September 2004, two years after the release of Star Fox Adventures. The earliest confirmed reference I can find to Reynolds Logistics using that logo was in February 2011. No luck in my search beyond that.
Of course, both Krystal's tattoo and their logo could both have been inspired by a third, older reference. The closest thing I could find in a brief search was the "spiral sun" or "tribal sun" symbol, but that one seems to always have more than 4 points coming off of it.
I guess the only thing we could do is to contact Reynolds Logistics about it. So I have! I'll let you know if I find out anything.
Thanks to TechnicolorCosplay for informing me of this. Additional photos from Bulk Distributer and UK FCA.
either rare ltd. got it from them or they got it from rare ltd.