Krystal Wind Waker Mod In Development

AngelTheVixen on Twitter is working on a Krystal mod for Wind Waker. Specifically, her Dinosaur Planet incarnation. Given that Dinosaur Planet was intended to be Zelda-like, it's hard to think of a better crossover!
Beginning with a short video clip demonstrating swordplay on Twitter, the mod was revealed to the world on February 22nd, 2023. I got in contact with AngelTheVixen to get some details.
The mod's scope is limited just to a simple model replacement and some voice clip replacements. The model is almost done, just needing a few tweaks. Gameplay voice clip replacements use the closest voice clips from Krystal in Dinosaur Planet. The voice sound effects in cutscenes are not replaced because that would be too large an undertaking, so Krystal will still sound like Link in the cutscenes.
AngelTheVixen is a complete beginner to modding, but found that the modding scene for Wind Waker is very approachable; the tools and documentation are detailed and the game's simple graphical style is forgiving. Much was learned when making the mod, and this is the third Link model replacement that AngelTheVixen has worked on.
The mod is planned for release soon, but no definite date.
I'm sure we all look forward to giving it a shot. Wind Waker is one of my favorite Zelda games.
Lastly, AngelTheVixen was kind enough to send me a bunch of brand new screenshots, which I have posted below. Enjoy!
i could image how krystal’s voice starting to sound like a young boy voice.
Great. Someone’s gotta make some cartoon-like CPS3 Street Fighter III sprites for Krystal, Katt and Fara.
Think of their super arts.