New Krystal Cosplayer Spotted

Montreal ComiCon 2024 was July 5th through 7th, just a few days ago. This was the stomping ground of two other Krystal cosplayers, Technicolor Cosplay and Moonllita. And it was TechnicolorCosplay who informed me of this new Krystal cosplayer a few days ago.
At this point, we don't know much about the Fox and Krystal duo cosplay. From the photos, it's a fursuit-style head and a very nice staff that appears to internally glow (very cool). The suit is zentai style, which seems to work really well for Krystal cosplays. Apparently these two did a skit during the cosplay portion of the show, and also apparently won in at least one category! There are no public videos of it yet, but I think there might be some to be posted soon. Fingers crossed.
We have no information about who exactly these cosplayers are, but we're hoping to find out. If you know these two, please get into contact with me! If you ARE the cosplayers, first of all, great job and welcome to the site. Second of all, please get into contact with me! I'd love to hear about your experience.
For now, we have a small appearance of the two of them in the background of another shot, which you can view below along with the full photos I have so far.