Recent Updates to Technicolor Cosplay’s Krystal

For some of you, this will be old news, particularly if you are on the Discord server. But I thought it would be a good idea to sum up some recent changes on this particular cosplay.
Over the past few months, Technicolor Cosplay's Krystal cosplay has been updated in several different areas. The mask was repainted to look more fox-like. The wig was changed and the ears completely redone. The tail is bigger. There's also a new bodysuit that better color matches the fur on the tail and the hair of the wig, though there were some issues with sizing it correctly. Technicolor Cosplay did several photoshoots as well, particularly as Ice Krystal, with the cape, taking full advantage of the snowy Canadian weather this Spring.
Technicolor Cosplay attended FanExpo Vancouver from February 19th through 21st 2022 as Ice Krystal. There was a cosplay contest appearance, lots of photos with other cosplayers, a photo or two with VIPs, a red carpet walk, and the cosplay even made the local news!
As far as upcoming features, Technicolor Cosplay continues to tweak and improve the cosplay. In the plans are a remade Assault jumpsuit with better boots. And something that's very exciting: Dragonscale Armor designed in the same theme as the Adventures armor pieces!