Krystal Cosplayer Rubiinikettu Becoming More Active

It has been a while since I checked in on Rubiinikettu. In my absence, it looks like she has posted some Krystal cosplay photos recently. One photo celebrating the 22nd anniversary of Star Fox Adventures in September, and a more recent photo from December showing off a (Chinese?) dress in preparation for the New Year. Check out the original posts for much higher resolution images.
I think she's implying that she's working on an Assault suit, which would be awesome to see! Looking forward to what Rubiinikettu will do in 2025.
I'm reminded that some time ago, Rubiinikettu sent me a video of her Krystal cosplay to post and I haven't done it yet. Oops! Sorry, Rubiinikettu! I have it around here somewhere. I promise I'll post it soon!
The most recent photo was taken by Nih.
Would love to see her in person sometime… Maybe if she ever comes to the US… One can dream, right?