Star Fox Assault 20th Anniversary

Today's the day! Star Fox Assault celebrates its 20th anniversary since its release in 2005. I hope you have had a chance to appreciate the game.
I'm working on a surprise Star Fox Assault related project that I hope to release tonight. Something that's been overdue for a long time, because it's a lot of work. We'll see if I can finish it in time. Otherwise, sometime this weekend.
In the meantime, I wanted to point out other people celebrating the 20th Anniversary. There are others who are still working on their celebration projects for the game, but these have already been posted.
Takaya Imamura posted about the anniversary and expressed support for Star Fox Assault being re-released on Switch 2. (Also the 11th anniversary for Steel Diver.)
0013ysyk made a 20th Anniversary fanart. Very epic. The speed drawing video was also posted.
TriWarrior shows off an Assault fanart which me made recently.
James recounts that Star Fox Assault was his first Star Fox game and first video game EVER.
And lastly, I got permission to post this lovely Valentines fanart by ChocEnd.