Mancoin’s Krystal Cosplay and Plushie

Mancoin, a multi-talented Krystal artist, has released photos of his Krystal (Assault!) cosplay and Krystal Adventures Plush.
The Krystal cosplay was performed at Unicon 2014 in Riga, the capital of Latvia, on August 2nd and 3rd 2014. From the photos, I can tell the costume features a movable jaw, a rare Assault costume (well, rare for Krystal cosplay anyway), and a blaster. If anyone knows of other photos or video, please let me know.
Meanwhile, in June 2014, he also posted a photo of his custom Krystal Plushie that won second place at Nyaaa, another anime convention in Utena, Lithuania.
You should definitely check out Mancoin's cosplay gallery. He's done some really impressive cosplay for several of my other favorite characters like Renamon and Dust.
Looks good for a plush toy. The suit looks… off. I really don’t care for suits much anyhow, and it’s not terrible. In a contest I would still vote for Ayano, but it’s a good effort.