Furry Fiesta Krystal Archive Panel!

The Krystal Archive Podcast goes live and in-person for the first time at Furry Fiesta 2015 in Dallas, Texas! Today, I received confirmation that my panel idea - "Krystal Archive Podcast Live" - will be accepted as a panel submission. I plan to do a live recording of a Krystal Archive Podcast episode, but this time focusing on questions, comments, and discussion topics from the audience members. There will be video of the whole event as well. I hope you all can join me, so mark your calendars for February 20th - 22nd, 2015.
Remember, this is also the convention where Ayano plans to debut her Assault outfit, complete with gatling gun. Who knows, maybe Ayano can drop by during the show!
I will post more details as I get more information.
what time will it air on the podcast like pacific , eastern , central time , etc.
@Ninetails Kitsune
It will be live relative the the audience in attendance. I didn’t intend to broadcast it over the internet live, though I guess I might. If I do, it’ll be from central time, but I don’t know what time it would be because the panel times, dates, and locations haven’t been decided yet.
Aww man, I really wish I could come out for it! I’ll already be cosplaying at BronyCon, Comic Con, and BronyCan for 2015, and I live in Canada so Texas is pretty far off for me with the full slate I’ve got that year. Well anyway, I wish you the best of luck with it my friend, sorry I can’t make it. (ps. Wish me luck with my first cosplay too eh! lol.)
Yup… Wish I could go. Even though I live in Dallas. Problems being, no time, no money, and my folks would disown me for going to a furry convention.
damn my brothers going down to Texas to host something on behalf of Ford and the passports in need of a renew so im crap outa luck.
Ah, too bad I’m nowhere near Texas. Plus I’m broke for airfare. X3 Still, I look forward to the stream! ;)