Star Fox Adventures Video Page Updated

It took me a while, but I've finally updated the Star Fox Adventures Video page to feature the new HD YouTube videos and full quality downloads. All the thumbnails have also been updated. If you were waiting to download full-quality 1080p 60fps Star Fox Adventures cutscenes, now's your chance!
It look nice, it should have at least 2-4k textures to make it look more hd in which your using the dolphin emulator for hd.
Very nice Mr.Krystal!! :D
The game needs a remake or sequel badly
I tried the Download button but for some reason it didn’t work.Do anybody know how that works with download?
I just checked three of them. They seem to be working. You can right click and save as, or if you are using Chrome, just click and it should start downloading.
Thanks for telling me that :D
@ Mr.Krystal
When I Download the Cutscene “A Girl Named Krystal” the Video is sticking the whole time do you know why?
Your computer may not be powerful enough to handle the video? Did you download the whole thing before watching it?
Is an HP Pavilion dm1 with Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and 32-bit good enought to handle it?
Probably not.