Unofficial Smash Ballot Ranks Krystal #1 …sorta…

A long-running unofficial Smash Ballot for future character DLC in Super Smash Bros has ended. The poll, run by fansite nintendolife, featured a large list of potential characters to vote for, including a place to enter custom requests. Yesterday, the poll closed and the votes were tallied. The results were very interesting.
According to the initial count, Krystal outpaced every other character by several thousand votes! Huge win, right? Except, hold on. Apparently most of them were bot-generated votes by a single IP address. Some Krystal fan out there has been very naughty. Once the fake votes were removed, Krystal actually ranked at about #20 to #25. A great showing for a older character in my opinion, especially considering that this was a relatively small, unofficial fan poll.
The poll organizer was in good spirits about it. Jordan "Unofficial Krystal-in-Smash Promotional Manager" Sweeto contacted the poll organizers to find out some details. Apparently the organizers at nintendolife are interested in the #teamKRYSTAL promotional project and may help promote Krystal in the future.
Vote rigging, even for a fan poll, is NOT ok. Got it? At worst, it can lead to blowback and delegitimizing legitimate fans. At best, it's dishonest and Krystal would not approve. That said, it's an online poll. Those at nintendolife have now learned firsthand why online polls are hard to take seriously.
Thanks to Mr. Brownstone for the heads up.
the guy was desperet even I am guilty for voting for krystal twice in the original ballot like he was in nintendo lifes serve but I lost all hope for smash now I won’t be entering anymore ballots offical or not cause they won’t work. sakurai prooved that by crushing our hopes years ago more fire emblom playstation and striper characters.
the only way i could see krystal as a playable character now, if there’s a fully mods for her with her own moveset.
not gona happon dude only hack get you that stuff.
Sweeto also told his followers to vote, I think the votes he threw out were too generous, it’s not unreasonable to think there’d be around 500 or more from them.
@N J Fox
All you do is bring down others with your insanely pessimistic opinions, this poll does not affect her inclusion chances at all regardless. Also Sakurai may not even be in charge anymore, especially with Iwata gone. His project was already decided and it’s likely not smash considering the article pertaining to the figure he bought was to study the rifle on this giant mech, certainly not something that’d be in Smash. We’re likely having a new creative mind as the new one is likely in development by Bandai-Namco considering the listing a ways back, How many people could it even to be the mind behind something as big as Smash? I’m saying it COULD be miyamoto, and even if it’s someone else completely we’ll have a new set of bias for characters they want.
@N J Fox
Don’t be silly. Do you honestly think Sakurai, or anyone else at Nintendo, spends their precious development time roaming the internet, looking for a fan to crush? I mean really, in what universe is intentionally annoying your customers a good business strategy. There are people in the world who spend their time trying to annoy others on the internet, or sew seeds of negativity and anger. Developers don’t have time for that even if they wanted to. You, on the other hand, are being increasingly negative for no reason. If you don’t want to support Krystal in Smash, that’s totally fine. But don’t go around lying about game developers.
if krystal gets in smash by some twist of fate or something it’ll restore my fath in smash till then I’m still negative about it. and hate sakurai for rigging the ballot and puting beyonetta in she was not number one it was all a lie.
I think voted a few times but the site did a poor job at registering the vote. It was difficult to know if you had voted already. I think at one point they closed the poll to outside voting as well.
@N J FOX @Mr. Krystal @Falemirous
Hard to know what their next selection for a new Smash bros will be like. Who will be in charge of it and what their focus will be on. Krystal’s chances improve based on visible demand as well as current state of Star Fox. At the moment the situation regarding Star Fox is the biggest problem regarding adding any Star Fox character. However Fox is a popular Smash character so that might balance it out. Adding another fox looking character who is female who already has a strong fan following might appeal to whoever is choosing the fighters. If they learned anything from 3DS and WIiU game it should be going for variety and not just heavily focus on a few series. But so long as remain positive and keep promoting and supporting Krystal there will always be a chance.
I can understand what you mean about Beyonetta. For me it was obvious the results would be somewhat rigged from the rules of the poll. It has to be for a worldwide poll because not every region will share same interests in gaming. In reality they should have gone for character that was popular in each region and not one overall winner.
If you read all the comments, and you feel sad seeing people hating on your favorite characters, please listen to this song: and at 3:00 sing these words,
“When the stars go out,
When you feel chilled to the bone,
When you lose the path, And you can’t find your way home,
Reach out, take my hand,
On your feet and let’s see you stand, You can overcome, Because I have seen it firsthand.
If the sky is dark,
If you no longer see the sun,
If the map is torn, And your fingers start going numb,
Know that I’m still here,
Know we’re still marching next to you,
There’s no need to fear, If you’ve got a teammate or two.
When the rain pours down,
When it’s so cold you can’t abide,
When all your hopes have flown,
We’ll be by your side,
Through the dry sand and roaring tide,
You are not alone.”
“When the thunder rolls,
When you’re caught in a raging squall,
When lost in lands unknown,
You won’t need to crawl,
Not with comrades to catch your fall,
You are not alone.
When the thunder rolls,
When you’re caught in a raging squall,
When lost in lands unknown,
You won’t need to crawl,
Not with comrades to catch your fall,
You are not alone.
And you are not alone.
Yes, you are not alone!”-lyrics by shockraid1.
If you feel beater, your welcome.
I voted for Krystal, but rigging the vote is unacceptable, even if it was for Krystal. Even if it was an unofficial fan poll, voter fraud is still voter fraud. The person who did this should be ashamed of themselves.
“hate sakurai for rigging the ballot and puting beyonetta in she was not number one it was all a lie”
I’m calling you out, N J FOX!
1. According to the dictionary, ballot rigging is “the practice of using illegal methods to obtain a particular result in an election.” Now, I’m going to need to see some evidence that Sakurai broke the law, any law, with regards to a poll on the website of a game he was working on.
2. Sakurai specifically stated that she was NOT the #1 pick in the United States. He did claim that she was the #1 pick in Europe. He also stated that his team determined that Bayonetta was the overall #1 pick worldwide “among realizable characters” (video proof). Do you have any evidence that Sakurai lied, in any way, about the poll results?
If you cannot provide evidence to back up your claims, well, you can be quite certain that no-one will pay attention to your comments in the future.
Going back to the topic of this fan poll something feels off to me. I’m not hugely bothered because it is a fan poll. It is bugging me a little…
According to what he wrote he wrote the article based on the unchecked results. He seems very surprised Krystal won originally. Because of that surprise he probably went back to check the results. Nothing wrong with that but he only specifically mentions doing this with Krystal’s results. None of the others have been mentioned as to having different results. I would be more surprised if the results would remain entirely the same for all the other characters. While the vote rigging wasn’t done to extreme lengths as Krystal it is likely some characters would have gained a few bonus votes. Just would be nice to have both full results for comparison.
This whole thing highlights an issue with many Smash polls. Voting for one character won’t really reveal the most wanted character to be included in Smash. Even if people want a character to be in Smash the character might not be their first choice. Likewise if a lot have one character they really want in for others might not even consider or want that character. As an example I know few people who want Krystal added as a new Star Fox character but in a case of a one choice poll would pick another character. Really need option to vote for three to five characters in any Smash poll. That way Nintendo knows at least people want that character even if it isn’t a first choice for many.