Something’s Wrong With the G-Diffuser!

Some recent events have caused a sudden, worsening effect on my health conditions. As a result, the Krystal Archive will not be updated for the foreseeable future, with the exception of official Star Fox news or otherwise very important news items. You are certainly welcome to join our Discord channel (invite link) to keep up-to-date with the latest news and fan projects, however I will not be participating very much in the coming days and possibly weeks. Hopefully I get better soon.
Man that sucks, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.
Get well soon Mr K this place feels empty with out you.
wow that was cheesy but I have to keep it fresh all joking aside I hope you get better.
Ouch that blows. Hope you get better soon, man.
I’m sorry about your health. That stinks really bad. I hope you get better.
I wish you well Mr. Krystal.
You’ve been hard at work for us, we thank you! Hope your condition improves soon!
Well, with any luck, you’ll find some white mushrooms. Hope all goes well on your end!
Made this pic in Gmod, hope your recovery goes smoothly.
I’m so sorry, man, take it easy *hugs*