Krystal Archive Discord Server!

After a lot of requests from you guys, and a bit of research in my part, I've finally created a Krystal Archive server for Discord, a text and audio chat system favored by gamers everywhere. I hinted at this in yesterday's Nintendo Direct post. Tomorrow's Nintendo Direct will be the perfect test of the new system. We'll get to chat in real time about the stream of new game information. But no need to wait until then, the server's up right now!
For now, I've limited this link to the first 25 people. But as more people want to join, I'll add more links so you can sign in. Just click the link, sign in (or register), and you're good to go!
I'd like to use Discord to coordinate projects, such as the Miiverse project from a few days ago. If you'd like to help out with the site, this is also the place to do it.
Update: We hit more than 25 users last night (yay!). So, here's an updated link.
Discord is too confusing. I took it off of my iPhone. Sorry…
Heads up, the new link is expired too.
Here’s a new one: