Nintendo’s E3 Good, but No Star Fox

It's been confirmed that Retro Studio's secret project was the new Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, but they almost went with another Metroid game. I guess we'll have to look beyond Retro Studios for some Star Fox love.
Super Smash Bros., for both 3DS and Wii U was shown, and Fox makes his expected appearance, but no other Star Fox characters were seen. Keep an eye on the official game site for new character reveals. There have already been two today: Animal Crossing's Villager and the Female Wii Fit Trainer.
Other than that, Nintendo had a great press conference, in my opinion. They showed lots of good looking, interesting games and provided a couple of nice surprises like the sequel to Xenoblade. The only thing that could have made this presentation perfect would be a surprise Star Fox (obviously) or actual footage of the new 3D Zelda game they're apparently working on (NOT the Wind Waker remake, which also looks fantastic).
To be honest, i am disappointed with Retro. A DK game is NOT needed. Metroid and Star Fox BOTH NEED new games (there hasnt been one in years!). DK just got a game on 3ds, let star fox or metroid have a turn for a game!
Is there a site where we can vote or request on characters being in the new Smash Bros game? I really want Krystal to be in the new game.
The presentation was good. But I’m still peeved to the fact that still nothing on a new Starfox game for the Wii U. Seriously, the franchise needs to have a community on it for the Miiverse so we can talk about it. Because we need to create a lot of noise and letting Nintendo know that there is still a huge amount of fans out there from that series that we’ve been waiting for a new one since 2005. I still believe that there’s a very good chance we’ll see it on the Wii U. It’d be foolish for Nintendo to kill off that series which would have created a huge backlash among the fans. But I doubt that they would kill it off.
As for Smash Bros. I’m hoping that Sakurai will consider putting Krystal this time around to be playable in the next game so that way we can have some more female characters to join the roster alongside with Peach, Samus, Zelda and now the Wii Fit Trainer. So I believe that she has a very good chance to make it this time and she was the most requested character to be playable since Brawl.
As for 3rd party characters, glad that Mega Man is finally in. If he can be there, I want Sonic to come back in the roster.
Getting back to Starfox on the Wii U, I can see either Retro or Platinum Games do one especially Platinum since Hideki Kamiya is a huge Starfox fan and has said in the past of wanting to make a new one with Nintendo. Even Shigeru Miyamoto who created the series has been wanting to do a new one for the Wii U since he said it himself on it last year. So I believe there’s still hope for the series and neither of us fans of the series should lose hope.
well I guess this gives me more time too plan things out more, discover more new things exsettra.
a bit sadden to not see things going any were but we cant wait forever that’s for sure.
If we can give Nintendo a message on the Miiverse like the fans did for Earthbound, it might work too for Star Fox! Give them your power to have Star Fox on Wii U!!!
Oh yeah, I am a bit disappointed, but happy too.
Agreed. We need to remind to Nintendo especially on Miiverse to not only have a Starfox community, but also that to remind to Nintendo that there are still a lot of Starfox fans who have been wanting to see a new game in the series since the Gamecube era(when Assault came out in 2005). This series is still too popular for Nintendo to kill it off and Miyamoto knows better than to kill off one of his own creations. Otherwise, why do you think that he would even bother mentioning it last year in an interview that he wants to see it brought to the Wii U? Not to mention that’s the franchise he wants to see the most than anything else from Nintendo’s franchises out there. Even Hideki Kamiya(director of Bayonetta, Resident Evil 2, Viewtiful Joe and Devil May Cry) has shown a lot of interest and being a huge Starfox fan himself for he and his company Platinum Games to work with Nintendo to make a new Starfox game on the Wii U.
Anyway, I still believe that there will be a new Starfox Wii U game to come out. Because honestly, I don’t want to see Fox being reduced to being a fighter to only appear in Smash Bros. games from now on. We want to see him appear in his own games outside of Smash Bros. like how he did in the past. Otherwise, it would not only upset the fans, but it would be an insult to them.
No there isn’t. And it wouldn’t do much good. He gets thousands of requests for characters daily.
You guys. There’s another possibility. While making a game is no easy task, the fact that Retro Studios made another Donkey Kong game tells me something. See, they already had the engine and a lot of the art. It’s very possible there are multiple teams within Retro Studios. If so, it’s most likely that the Donkey Kong game was a secondary team effort, and the primary team is still working on something yet unrevealed. Unfortunately for my theory, if they have been working on another game in secret all this time, it’s likely a Metroid title, not Star Fox, given their recent comments.
If I miss out on Krystal AGAIN in the face of a bloody Wii Fit Trainer I will be livid.
Please people, start bombing the Smash Bros Miiverse community with Krystal requests!
Do you know when the Miiverse Smash Bros. Community will be up? Because I want to start requesting to have Krystal to be playable in the next Smash Bros. game. More importantly, Nintendo needs to listen to us Starfox fans that we want a Starfox community on the Miiverse so we can be able to remind to Nintendo that there are still fans out there who wants to see a new entry for the series for the Wii U.
tri posting it on the nintendo vids on there youtube account..the ones with Reggie talking. he seid he will be checking them often and there is a top comment saying that krystal should be in it!
@ Mr. K
Your theory may be right! Retro is a big company with lots of enployees. Im sure that there are multiple teams at work on separate games. However, Star Fox may already be in development in one of those teams, and that comment stating it was difficult to choose may have been for one team in particular…. just sayin
It seems there could be another possibility–from ‘Engadget’ this morning comes:
“Nintendo shared that it will launch its first free-to-play title during this fiscal year–that is, by the end of March 2014. Industry analyst David Gibson tweeted the news live, adding that the move is intended to “boost digital sales,” and **confirming that the game won’t fall under the Mario or Pokemon franchises.** Nintendo isn’t saying which platform its first free-to-play offering is destined for, but in any case this announcement is a good sign that the company is getting serious about downloadable content.”
I wonder….
I really just hope what ever the turn out might be it will be good for every one.
PLEASE PUT KRYSTAL IN THIS NEW SMASH BROS. Keep my fingers crossed. They seriously really have to make a new Star Fox game since Star Fox Command in 2006 and Star Fox 64 3D in 2011.
Agreed. Krystal deserves a chance to be playable in the new Smash Bros. especially with her being the most unique of the SF characters because of her staff from Adventures. Sakurai even wanted to put her playable in Brawl and being the most requested in the list. Too bad she didn’t make the cut. But hopefully he will consider putting her in this time around. As for a new Starfox game on the Wii U, yes and we really need to make some noise on it not just on the Nintendo Youtube channel, but also in the Miiverse and online. This series needs to make a comeback. Either Platinum Games or Retro later on will make it.
BTW guys, here is a link my DA friend Lylatroid sent to me . In this link, Hideki Kamiya(director of Bayonetta and Devil May Cry) and his staff from Platinum Games are still interested in making a new Starfox game for the Wii U. We need to spread this out everywhere from Nintendo’s Youtube channel where Reggie Fils-Aime is in one of the videos and in the Miiverse on the Wii U. Because Miyamoto also wants to make sure that this happens as well that the franchise be brought to the Wii U. Let’s not lose hope here, guys. What Miyamoto needs to do is meet up with Kamiya and his staff and talk about making the next SF game. Not to mention that Kamiya has claimed that he is a huge fan of the series. So let’s do something here to make that dream into a reality. Because I can see Platinum Games pulling it off. If Platinum was able to do it with Metal Gear Rising Revengeance with Hideo Kojima, then I don’t see why they can’t do it for Nintendo working together for a new SF game.
I hope there is going to be a new star fox game with krystal. krystal also needs to be in super smash bros.
They fact that they said that they were working on “a game that everybody wanted to see” confuses me. They already did a Donkey Kong game, I guess a certain amount of people wanted another, but not everyone. I’m think more people would rather see a new StarFox game that another new Donkey Kong game. These was seriously no need for so much hype because it’s something that’s pretty much already been done by Retro. However, this might not be the project that Retro was talking about. They might still be working on something that’s actually worth talking about.
That is highly doubtful. Retro CEO already said that metroid isnt in development because they couldnt work on two large projects at a time. They may be lying, but still…
Honestly, I think starfox will come to the wii u eventually. The timing of it though is really in our hands. We as fans need to let nintendo know we want a new starfox game. We need to actually put our ideas into action and let them know that there are not only a decent amount of people waiting for starfox, but a large amount of people, comparable to possibly even the metroid fan base. Nintendo does listen to their fans, but within reason. If we show them that its not a risk to make a big starfox game maybe they’ll get to work sooner than we expect? As for Krystal, just keep bombarding the miiverse page. If we could get a really good couple of drawings on there that would really help too.
Well this post was certainly popular. 19 comments. Holy cow.
I can’t wait until we see the final product of the new Smash Bros.
Okay… krystal will definitely be in ssb… on Miiverse ssb page, the third most popular post has a very well drawn picture of a few characters. Krystal is the most noticeable one in the picture.
Awesome.If we can keep this up, we may get to see her in the roster at long last. I recently posted a pic I drew of Krystal there and posted it in the Miiverse Smash Bros. conmunity to show my support for her.
I’ve been doing my part to spread Krystally awareness, hope you guys like.
[Link Removed: “Slightly Inappropriate”]
I see her getting a ton of support on the miiverse community
One of my links, the one I put hours of work into and is perfectly acceptable by Nintendo was removed as “Slightly Inappropriate”? Are you kidding? Is this site really that prudish?
Sorry, but I’m afraid so. I have to draw the line somewhere. On this site I draw the line at the crotch or breasts being unclothed, regardless of visible “bits.”
This rule has always been in effect, and all fanart listed (once I get around to restoring the lists) must also follow this rule. The only exceptions are:
* Technical Nudity – Female references, 3D art in progress, and sculpture progress, all with no bits
* Normally Clothingless Character(s) – Features a character, such as Renamon, that doesn’t normally wear clothes, but to the unfamiliar, might seem like they should
What bits? If you look closely at my drawing you can see I added lines to indicate underwear. My image is not bottomless…
I know there are no bits. Even after a close inspection, I can’t see the underwear you refer to. The line near her right leg looks like an extension of the white fur pattern on her middrift, and doesn’t curve away into a separate strap that you’d expect from underwear. The line next to her left leg doesn’t appear to be connected to anything. Where is the underwear attached? Without a visible strap, the limitations of the black and white image makes her appear bottomless.
It’s a really good image, too. The face is perfect and it’s a very unique pose, which I like. It is always a hard call on these kinds of things.
Is there a way you could edit it to be more clear? If can’t post an edit on the Miiverse, I will personally make a post just for your art, if that’s ok with you?
You cannot edit posts on Miiverse at all I’m afraid, and me doing any edits on my PC would defeat the purpose of the drawing on there in the first place.
I’m glad you like it though and If you think my pics are worth some kind of post on their own post then I’d be honored.
Of course I’m not the only one drawing her on there, maybe spotlight a few others if you see them as well?