Star Fox Zero Announced

Nintendo lead with Star Fox, complete with a throwback to the original puppet inspiration for Star Fox. Arwings transform into a walker, Landmasters have a flight form, and the new Gyrowing with its tethered robot will be appearing. This is not a sequel or a remake, this is more prequel, set during the Star Fox 64 era (so no Krystal, but that's understandable). The game's visual style is simple, but complete-looking. Lots of epic large bosses and huge stages. Voice acting returns just like Star Fox 64. No announced release date.
Well, at least it wasn’t another command
Nooooooooo… The series is RUIN… Where’s my Krystal? Where’s my Assault cast? Where’s my Assault art style? Where’s my Dinosaur Planet? Where’s is Krystal’s staff and other weapons like swords? Where is the CURRENT STAR FOX TEAM??? This ruin my day, and just when I had my hope and desire video up and ready. Nintendo better make a new game that’s a true Star Fox sequel to Assault, otherwise they’ll never have my money and trust.
Here we go again. prequel to the sequel, prequel… just watch they gonna zelda this game. I mean its not like Nintendo hasn’t fucked up a time line before… oh wait.
I am glad they are sort of staying away from krystal atm. We all have a love/hate relationship with this gal and they are trying to consider their next move is.
overall 6/10 would play
Antimario, you are a fucking idiot. Krystal is amazing, Nintendo better sequel to Assault, otherwise they’re not getting my money and trust.
*ahem* may I simply add that they already confirmed it’s a re imagining of star fox 64 (so essentially a massive re boot)
Hey, at least it’s a new Star Fox game, as opposed to nothing.
Let’s not be lax and lay back and pretend it’s OK. Let’s start tweeting, on facebook and emailing Platinum Games and Nintendo for Krystal to be in the game!
StarDog Smasher, you have no idea I wanted krystal to be in this game soooo bad, I actually broke down and prayed to God to have her in the game… fuckin prayed, man. I don’t even care or worry if tiny tim falls down the stairs after I kick him down or even care if I have fun at my own friends expense.
but lets be honest the story line in command was like… yeah. just shitty. I was literally depressed for a few months after I beat the game and found all the endings, the only one that was not depressing was the one where krystal stayed and then forgave fox but that is just a candy ass ending, same thing with “like nothing happened”. My dog could have made a better ending for that game… hell the writers of twilight could have made a better starfox command ending.
I saw some of the treehouse gameplay and its seems like if starfox 64 and starfox 2 had a lil lovable baby, I give them this is looks and plays nice. I mean starfox looks more like a set of mini HD movies you get to play in than a TV series. Even though krystal isn’t there I am willing to try and enjoy the game. I liked the space colony the most so far.
>re imagining of star fox 64
well one of the dudes in the treehouse thing said its more of an alternate game within the same time line? (something to that effect) so yeah point proven like they are not about to keep a story line. reboot or no reboot.
I really hope they make a game with Krystal, hell re-imaginge starfox adventures… we all HATED tricky (there I said it), or hell IDK make up their minds and give us a proper ending for command and make a game with that ending they decide to re-imagine too.
dude, they already made the game. may be as oh wait DLC content? riiiigght. like in super smash bros?
This game makes me sad :'( all this time of waiting and we see it and they’ve taken out everything that made the previous games good. Where’s foot missions, a good story with serious characters, the good 3rd person flight style, and most if all KRYSTAL. It’s all gone D= . Life means nothing to me T_T
Antimario, why didn’t you say that earlier? I thought you hate Krystal.
You guys need to learn not to have high expectations otherwise you’ll just end up disappointing yourselves. Over all I think the game looks amazing and it looks true to its franchise. I would like to see new characters, longer game, and a kick ass story, I don’t want a 1 hour long linear star fox 64 game. Also the lack of online multilayer is a bad move.
Relax peeps. It’s not a reboot. It’s more of a re-imagining of the N64 more than likely. Plus, there might be some “episodes” to follow star fox zero. For all we know, the other games could get the same treatment :)
Earth Being, thank you for listening to people like me that this game is not a re-boot.
Guitarplayer747, let go of the N64 stuff. We’re in the Assault Era, not re-entering the N64 Era.
They went with those god damned malformed, talent-deprived, bell headed designs.. AGAIN? Why won’t this die, Star Fox’s characters always looked GOOD until that steaming heap SF Command arrived.
Platinum is developing this, how in the hell is none of their flair worked into the character designs? WHY? The game itself looks mostly great but fox looks hideous…. I suppose I should be glad there’s no Krystal if I had to look at her in this talent-deprived art-style again.
“we all HATED tricky (there I said it)”
You shouldn’t speak for others. You’ll only be wrong.
Platinum was mostly responsible for the boss design, not the character design.
Waited 10 years for a new Krystal game, and I’ve got another 50 or 60 left in me. Come on Nintendo, let’s make it happen!
Well this just killed my hyped for the game sure i’m glad that we finally got a new Star Fox game after 10 years but it’s will not be the same with Krystal it is now official that Nintendo just gave her the axe and erased her from existence…There better be a DLC that let’s you download her and play with her in it or else this series is dead to me i don’t care if i get flamed or mocked by anti-Krystal fans but i will not settle for a game that’s too linear and short and doesn’t have a fan favorite in it.
@Wing Slash
Dude, what are you talking about? They haven’t written her out of the series. I went looking a while back, and was unable to find a SINGLE character that Nintendo has officially written out of any of their games. There are certainly characters that disappeared for years. Characters like Ice Climbers for 16 years, Little Mac for 15 years, Samus Aran for 8 years, Krystal for 9 years, well, unless you don’t count Smash Bros, which Krystal is in by the way. There are a precious few that still haven’t reappeared in over 20 years (Wart), but none have been axed as far as I can tell.
I hope there is a multi player mode too. But if this game was too be two player, how would it work since it seems you would need a game pad… do i need to buy 2!!!. Also i hope there are online dog fights =]. Customizable ships and pilots would be cool to
There’s a co-op mode: one person flies, the other aims and shoots.
Though it’s unfortunate Krystal won’t be in it (or will she?), looking at some of these comments in here is really embarrassing. “Oh, I’ve lost all faith in this game because Krystal isn’t it it, baaah~.” We all get off by the fictional blue vixen, but she was never the central focus of the series. It has always been Fox. And the series will survive with or without her. Plus the game doesn’t come out until the holidays, and considering Nintendo has been experimenting in DLC, it’s always possible she may appear in that. Hell, if this game is a re-imaginining/reboot, who’s to say she can’t show up? The fact is it’s too early to tell. What’s ultimately important is the presentation of the game itself? Does it look right, feel right? To those bawling over Krystal’s alleged absence so childishly, grow the fuck up, cuz if you’re like most fanboys you’ll still buy the game anyway cuz you’re a fan.
They are over-reacting to their disappointment over broken high expectations. I will be addressing this on the next podcast. I’m reminded that two years ago, people were saying that Nintendo was getting rid of Star Fox entirely. Now it’s just Krystal for some reason. Nintendo should not need to hold our hands and tell us it’s ok every time a new game comes out that doesn’t have Krystal in it.
However, you’d be surprised how many people are Krystal fans first, and only Star Fox fans by association. Many people are JUST Krystal fans, so you can kinda understand where they are coming from. I don’t agree of course. I think Star Fox was good before Krystal too.
Well, if everyone is disappointed about Krystal you can all come over and play my game for free. Krystal’s playable. *skips away tossing confetti*
Exactly dude, its not the end of the world. Although it would have been great to continue the story from assault or even command. Still, I liked what I saw in the trailer and it look really cool, those boss battles looked pretty interesting too. I am also in love with the art in the game .All the characters look great and I think they did a pretty damn well job with fox’s character model and his voice sounds great too. Anyways Just be happy that there is a new star fox game. My focus has never been on Krystal but it is unfortunate for those who wanted her in. Just keep your head up, maybe she will appear in dlc.
Okay, I think I’m going to fangirl scream now. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It is a shame there is no Krystal though…
Hahahahaha. Yes, your game in the long run is probably better and i cant believe I’m seeing you here <3. You even have Miyu and Fay. So many ships =D.Good luck on your game man, loving the current version, can't stopping playing the Sauria level =]. Now before i go, I see you brought confetti?! Wheres the party and can I come =D.
I’m disappointed and shocked. I’ve been hoping it’s a sequel to Star Fox Assault or Command, but it’s NEVER going to happen. Another game with a plot during Star Fox 64. I knew that was a bad sign when Star Fox fans were saying why Krystal was absent in the conversations in the Orbital Gate stage in Super Smash Bros Wii U. They knew Krystal was not going to return in the next Star Fox game and it will NOT be a sequel, and that is how they will reboot the series. Let’s face it, Krystal is dead to Nintendo. I maybe wrong, but that might hurt Krystal’s chance to become a DLC for Super Smash Bros 3DS and Wii U. Nintendo should likely consider making her as DLC when they even gave us a clue she was going to be playable when she says in the Lylat Cruise stage where she says “What are you two thinking? I’m the only one that can come through in a fight like this” for gods sake. I’m sure most Krystal fans are sad and furious about this. We’ve been fighting to get Krystal back for almost 10 years. Mr Krystal you say it’s understandable that Krystal is NOT in it which means it’s ok, but to me and some other Krystal fans it’s not. It’s so sad and painful to me knowing my favorite female character will NEVER come back. Nintendo is just hurting me more and more. I’m in tears.
@Jeremy Lohr
I feel the same too, I’m upset she’s not in here. I don’t think she’s gone forever… but we arn’t going to see her now for a couple of years if she’s not dlc in either of these games.If she makes it into ONE of these games, I feel she would be able to get a new start and stick around longer. In all I fell we have a 50 50 on if she gets in smash or sfz. High hopes for smash to get her out to the larger community! <
The fact that Krystal isn’t in the game is really causin’ a lot of distress here, my goodness. At this point we’re back to pushing for Krystal to be in smash as DLC or future SFZero DLC (Multiplayer maybe?), and I may be speaking for only myself but I’m not really that desperate for our blue vixen just yet.
First things first, I’m gonna throw money at SFZero with maybe some more urging toward Sakurai before I start with the man tears.
Meanwhile, I guess it’s back to the bethesda game modding (And what other games that have Krystal mods) community for the rest of us, eh?
@ 1st i thought it was a star fox 64 remake. it look okay for me, not really a big fan of the series.
@Mr. Krystal
^tricky lover right there. lol… but ok I get your point. I really hated when I heard this one youtuber say that “starfox adventures was shit and no one liked it.” I liked it, I liked the puzzles the most from adventures. Rare totally nailed it.
I can’t believe that they are making another SF 64 era game! I mean sure, I enjoyed playing the ORIGINAL game, but Nintendo seriously needs to move on. Why will they not pick up the story from Assualt? Not only that, but I’m angry with them for not putting Krystal in it. >:[ I don’t just love Starfox because of Krystal, but to me she is a core-character. Not having her in the game is like them making SFZ without Falco or Slippy- it just makes for a terrible game. The fact that SFZ will probably not have an online multiplayer also hurts it. Honestly, I will probably only buy the game just because I don’t want the whole series to go belly up. Hopefully in another 10 years they’ll churn out a better Starfox for us.
Two games in the same era are not the same game. We know for certain that this is a completely different game, what with the new vehicles, radical control changes, and story points.
“Why will they not pick up the story from Assualt?”
They might! Just not this time. Also, there is Command, which happens very soon after Assault.
“Not having her in the game is like them making SFZ without Falco or Slippy- it just makes for a terrible game.”
Adventures didn’t have Falco, Katt, the Star Wolf team, Bill, and a bunch of other ‘core characters.’ It also didn’t have the one thing Star Fox is actually known for: good flight-based combat.
starfox is always my favorite video game like starfox 64 and starfox assault demo those are my favorite since high school i play starfox 64 on n64 and at gamestop the demo of starfox assault because i like it i hope the video game will become a animated tv series coming to disney xd or cartoon network if saban brand will develop a tv series based on the video games and goes for three seasons plus a two part pilot movie and a live action starfox movie so starfox lives