Star Fox Zero and Falco Amiibo Launch November 20th

Nintendo unveiled its entire Holiday lineup this morning. Star Fox Zero and the Falco Amiibo launch on November 20th in America and Europe (and probably Japan too). The Falco represents the last Smash Bros Amiibo to release in 2015. So it looks like we'll get a day of Star Fox this year after all!
By the way, check out the new box art for Star Fox Zero compared to the original)! It looks like they changed the shape of Fox's face slightly to make it a little more realistic, and added more fur to him and the other characters. They also added little details throughout, like battle damage/wear-and-tear on Fox's helmet and scouter. I guess the E3 demos didn't represent the final style after all! Hopefully this means slightly more realism and detail without loosing the simplicity of their earlier cartoon style.
Also notice that they added the Amiibo logo to the box art. Miyamoto has said he wanted to do something special with the Star Fox Zero Amiibo compatibility, but I think he also stated elsewhere that it wouldn't be things like extra levels or other hidden gameplay content like what they did with the Splatoon Amiibos.
I think they will bundle both Falco Amiibo and Star Fox Zero together. At least they like to do stuff like that on the UK Nintendo online Store. Which makes me want Krystal to be in Smash even more so we can have her Amiibo. Personally still holding out hope for plush Star Fox Amiibo at some point too.
Eh, not sure how I feel about the new SF Zero design. Reminds me a bit too much of this guy:
I get that they’re probably trying to show that the Wii U can compete graphically, but I think a more stylized Fox might have been better. The ‘realistic’ version kind of gives off an uncanny valley vibe.
On Miiverse, there is A LOT of people who want Krystal in smash. Literally thousands of users already voted for her. I’m not making this up, on Nintendo’s so called “fan site” she is one of the most requested 1st party characters. That’s Miiverse alone. That’s not even counting all those other sites. Heck, the post before this one on the archives is talking about on how sakurai himself acknowledges that not only people want Krystal, but if she does make it in, she’d be completely unique from all the other star FOX reps. If Nintendo ignores all of that, they seriously have a problem.
I’m honestly not creeped out by the animation style of zero at all. To be honest, greyfirefox
@ Guy
I’m honestly not creeped out by the animation style of zero at all. To be honest, greyfirefox’s looks like it could fit right in. That’s my opinion anyways. Sorry for the repost but the last one was incomplete
I like the new adjustments to the character renders. Amazing how a different texture and a few small mesh tweaks make something even better. It’s the little things that matter ^^
@earth being
I know. I go regularly and check out the new artwork. Although I do feel a bit sad for Fox. Not much in the way of nice support for him any more. I really liked the older miiverse posts where Krystal is supporting and wanting to join Fox in Smash. They need to add Krystal just so Fox can get some support back.
@ Guy
I’m a bit of both. I like the more realistic style Fox but the head shape is closer to Command’s which is an odd shape. Look at pictures of a real fox and the ears are lower down. Which is why you feel weird about the style. Realistic is fine but anything slightly off makes the whole thing weird. What’s even weirder is the other characters look fine. It was a bad choice to go with Command’s head shape for Fox.
Now everyone who reads this will notice how big Fox’s forehead is in this game. I’m sorry.
to bad we might not see the fur and feathers often, they’ll be flying their arwings most of the time.
Still not interested in this game. I can’t believe Nintendo went for another stupid remake instead of focusing on progressing the story beyond Command. I want to see what the future holds in store for Star Fox, not retread old ground.
@earth being
Yeah. I’m seeing a lot more Miiverse posts on Krystal after all and this brings a smile to my face. Combine that with the article of Sakurai considering Krystal for Brawl, hopefully he won’t ignore it this time around. At least with doing DLC, he doesn’t have any time constraints on it unlike what happened to Brawl. Anyway there is a member who goes by the name of Alfore and she posts some great Krystal posts. Quite a true supporter to our favorite blue vixen. I also heard that the person who datamined the Ryu and Roy files found that it appears that another character will be filling the two empty slots from the Smash Bros website sometime before October. If that’s true, then it will be between now and by the end of September. Also, if that’s the case, then it could be another veteran which it could most likely be Wolf since like you said, Wolf is the only logical veteran remaining in which fans do care of seeing come back. For Krystal, she could most likely be for after the ballot ends after October 3. What do you think?
Alfore, Krayon, J★VαΙεηçία, Sky, NJ FOX, Mr. Ness and a few more are some of the most famous Miiverse users. What’s one thing they have in common? They are strong Krystal supporters. Thanks to them, thousands of Miiverse people now want her in. On top of that, sakurai acknowledges she’s completely possible. Now more than ever, there’s absolutely no excuse for her not to be in :)
It’s not a remake. It takes place between 64 and Adventures. Might be the prequel we’ve been missing.
@ the Falcon
Of course. Anyone who saw the digital event and the treehouse knows it’s not a reboot. It has to be long in the past. The only reason why I say that is because there’s no smart bombs.
@earth being
Not to mention that I have been following several of these people online with their works and trust me, I know good art when I see it. That way when she makes it in, that will silence the haters on her once and for all and if they still don’t like it, then that’s too bad and tough luck for them. After all, not many popular characters like her can have a website such as this site dedicated to her and we’re the fortunate ones because we are passionate about Krystal in every way that we would do anything to get her in and not give up. I’m sure that the Japanese audience think of the same way like us that we want her in because they feel the same way.
I’ve been to the Japanese Miiverse and saw guess what? Tons of Krystal supporters too. I know there are skeptics and haters of her, but the same goes for all other ballot choices. They all feel a ballot choice that isn’t their own poses a threat to theirs. They know more than one character will be chosen right? I find it funny people complain about optional purchases. “Don’t like it, don’t buy it.” That’s my philosophy anyways :)
@The Falcon
That doesn’t exactly reassure me. I want the story to go forward in time, not backwards.
Zero is a re-imagining of the first game. The fact is Nintendo hasn’t been all that clear what happens after Zero. If I support Zero will it become a reboot or if I don’t support Zero will they put the series on hold? I would feel better if I could get some answers to questions relating to that. Nintendo isn’t saying a lot though. That makes the whole thing worse. I mgiht try asking Nintendo again.
Fox’s fur looks much better now in the new box art. I might cop out and buy the amiibos. The only reason I haven’t bought any is because the characters I want are so freaking hard for me to get a hold of (Meta Knight, Robin, villager. I’m looking at you!).
The new box art of Fox. Scares me a bit. But the only STARFOX thing I’m eagerly awaiting is an Amiibo of Krystal.
According to Kotaku it looks like the game has been pushed back to Q1 2016.