Falco Amiibo Released

Star Fox Zero wasn't released today thanks to a delay, but the previously scheduled Falco Amiibo was! I just picked mine up. Turns out it's a Best Buy exclusive Amiibo in America. However, it looked like they had plenty of stock. The Fox Amiibo is also getting restocked along with other older Amiibo due to rarity.
I'm planning to do a feature where I set up the Fox and Falco Amiibos on infinite stock in Smash Bros. and see which one comes out on top by the time they reach their max level. It should be pretty funny at first, with Fox and Falco not knowing what they're doing, but will quickly become fast-paced. Be on the lookout for that video in a week or so.
@Mr. Krystal
That’s a great idea, when will you do it? Oh and will you do smash tournaments for the website and commentate on it?
@MR. Krystal
Sorry didn’t read the whole thing so in a week you’ll do the video can’t wait to see it. But please do the tournaments. XD
So what’s the deal with the Falco amiibo? Isn’t it supposed to be plan to be part of the Star Fox Zero game if you get it? If not, then is it out in the market, cause I want to go hunt it down and add it to my collection.
I’ll probably do it in a week. Maybe earlier. What do you mean, tournament?
@StarDog Smasher
No-one knows what the Amiibos will do with Star Fox Zero, but they will do something.
@Mr. Krystal
Well I saw this tournament for smash on youtube where the commentator along with two other players joined a friend online game, the commentator jumped off the stage so that only the two contestants fight and the battle begins in 1 min. It was series of best of 5 matches and the winner moves up the board.
You can do that or if you don’t want to do tournaments, how about reviewing our replays?
I’m not sure I would be a good commentator, since I don’t really speak that fast. But, I’m not opposed to doing a Krystal Archive Smash Tournament sometime.
@Mr. Krystal
All Right! =D Can’t wait to see it happen!
The Falco amiibo still hasn’t arrived I’m sick of my bad luck. the Amiibo better be available monday.