Huge Star Fox Zero Image Set Released

GoNintendo has just posted a huge list of media assets from the Nintendo Direct. That includes a ton of new Star Fox Zero images. There's pictures of the team, closeups of the new vehicles and modes, and, curiously, what look like ship textures and user interface textures used on the website. This in addition to a lot of images we've previously seen, but in different resolutions.
I say 'different' because the images are highly compressed, more so that we typically see. They look blockier than they ought to, even on the original versions of each image. However, this could have been an upload mistake somewhere along the line (either Nintendo or someone else). I'm looking into it. Update: They were compressed this way by Nintendo themselves. :(
See the Flickr Image Set for all the images.
Thanks for the update =]
Textures? Weird…
Sucks that Nintendo compressed those images :( . Why bother having this epic picture of the Arwings flying at you and then low-res it?
looks okay to me, is not that low res.
Well, I suppose I’m too stupid to tell the difference between these and supposed HD. It’s like wine. What’s the difference between a $7 bottle and a $70 bottle? Life’s too short to worry about a couple pixels. The images are fine.
@Mr. Krystal
Sorry for taking up a lot of the comment section on the previous post. I really like your ideas that you brought out and i’m going to use them very effectively for this Star Fox Fan Game i’m working on. But one question, if you were to play a 2d Star Fox game what would you expect from it?
I answered that question in the last post.
I don’t mind. Discussion is good as long as we are nice to each other.
Please do use my ideas. I plan to make my own game as well.
@Mr. Krystal
Thanks, and can’t wait to see what kind of game you make.
I can’t wait to see them both :)
I wana make an amiibo of krystal in zero style but my 3D printers not printing and they still haven’t anounced the last two characters in smash. that and I can tell krystal has a specale purpese we know nothing about and I’m itching to find out.
I’ve always wondered if it was possible to do that, print an Amiibo (not a functioning one of course). Would a model have to be made for her or any other character, or would you be able to use the figures in the game files?
@ Mr Krystal
I wonder why did this game dont have Krystal is she is taking a retirement if she is in corneria army or she is in the great fox like peppy in starfox assault? Why?
@Mr. Krystal
Oh forgot to ask, Why isn’t R.O.B featured in the Star Fox Zero trailer? He is apart of Star Fox right?
Krystal would have been around 11 during this time period. She hadn’t met the Star Fox team yet.
He wasn’t in the trailer because he doesn’t pilot a ship. But he does appear in Star Fox Zero. You can see him in various gameplay videos.
You’d have to make the model in a 3d program I tryed a G mod krystal but it didn’t work, I intended to make a krystal of my own but its to late we’re sending the 3d printer back tomarrow for a full refund its falty.
Theres no point in making the model now I even delited my lilac model.
I’m pritty upset about it.
@Mr Krystal
actualy this is an alternet time line in theary so krystal may be some were else. I hope she’s an unlockable extra.
@Krystalloves19 and @Mr. Krystal
Nintendo actually has not yet said if Krystal is or is not in the game. I tried emailing Nintendo of Europe and asked about it but they couldn’t answer the question. Nintendo of America doesn’t seem to have a general contact page. I haven’t seen anyone ask about her in any interview with Nintendo. At this point we can only speculate. Nintendo may use this chance to give Krystal a similar age to Fox. She may appear as a multiplayer choice even if storyline wise she’s not involved in Zero. Zero also supports Amiibo so if Krystal gets into Smash makes sense for her Amiibo to be supported in a Star Fox game. So we may see her added in through that aspect. Until Nintendo says something or the game releases we don’t know.
Note: Katt as far as I know has not been promoted to be in the game yet there is footage of her being in Zero. During E3 TreeHouse Live they showed off footage of a mission where part of it is you help Katt out. Same with Star Wolf. So it’s possible that Krystal is in similar situation. That Nintendo just aren’t promoting that she is in the game.
@ Mr. Krystal
I can’t wait for the game to come out, I recently got into the Star Fox series a few months ago when I bought a Digital copy of Star Fox 64 3D, and I recently started a Fan-Fic as well. After seeing the Nintendo E3 videos as well as the trailer, I can honestly say I’m really looking forward to it.
What’s your fan-fic called. I wrote one 5 months ago and now i’m working on a sequel.
@Craig and @LucaseJG1994
If you’re looking for some fan fictions, I’m working on with (which is a cross over).
@StarDog Smasher
Sure, what’s the name of your fan fiction.
It’s called Sonic meets Star Fox. There’s a teaser on my youtube page.
Guys, have you seen the new Japanese Star Fox Zero website? There are some new images and two new clips!
I’ve been sporadically working on a fan fiction of my own. I don’t normally do them, mostly because I don’t care for fan fiction usually. But I’m doing one about Krystal’s home world.
@StarDog Smasher
This is quite an interesting story. I like it! When you finish it i’ll read it.
@the Falcon
I think that would be pretty awesome, Can’t wait to read it!
Hey, thanks :)
Or put it like this, watch it and or play it. Cause I’m thinking about doing the Sonic meets Star Fox crossover into a cinematic type game online.
It’s called Krystal’s Dream Quest, I have it posted on as well as Deviantart and Furaffinity.
@StarDog Smasher
That sounds pretty interesting, so is it an adventure game? And what game mechanics will you implement into it?
@Craig Beverlin
pretty good story, I saved it into my favorites.
You could say that. I’m going to plan on having a few different gameplay styles. 1st is obviously the arwing. Now, I’m not sure if I’m going to do on rail or all range, since I’m probably doing sprites first (and have no experience with 3d programs yet) so far it’s side shooter. 2nd is the Sonic’s point A to point B segment, if you’re wondering, it’s gonna be like Sonic Adventure. 3rd is the Smash Bros style with some adjustments. 4th is a side on-foot shooter, swordsman, and brawler gameplay styles. So here’s a bit of info, you’ll be playing as Fox, Sonic, and the entire gang who can fight (learn more if you want to follow me on youtube and deviantart).
@StarDog Smasher
That sounds pretty good along with a lot of gameplay mechanics. I’m also making fan games for Star Fox and have begun creating it in Unity3d because you can program with C#. If you want to get started with your game straight away you can try using Construct 2, you do not need any programming skills to use it and can make pretty good games with it. Plus if you need help animating your sprites you can use Spriter pro which does the animation for you using bones. Hope this helps you out. ;)
Oh really, is this fan game of your and others going to have on-foot missions to? Cause Assault proved to be the TRUE Star Fox game (but I would say Star Wars Battlefront 2 proved to be more fun with not just guns and vehicles, but also sword/staff wielders). Also, thanks for telling me the programs that I should try, I’ll try them out sometime.
@StarDog Smasher
No problem, can’t wait to play your game. The game mechanics I will have would be a mixture of top-down hell shooter and Vertical shooter. The on foot shooter mode will be a choice the player can choose to do, so if you wanted to be in your Arwing only you can do this and complete the game. I haven’t played Assault so I don’t know the experience of the game.
You should give Assault a try, it’s the best game in the series in my opinion (along with many others).
Lol what if for a 2D star fox game there was something similar to metal slug XD. Wouldn’t fit in to their theme very well, just a funny little thing I thought of.
@StarDog Smasher
That’s if Nintendo does a Star Fox Assault HD Remake for Wii U. That would be cool!
That can work for hardcore shooter fans, as long as it doesn’t take away the Arwing gameplay. ;)
@StarDog Smasher
Just a not: if you would like more ideas for making fan games for Star Fox check out the previous post. Mr. Krystal shared his ideas with us and I personally think that they’re great advice for starting out with game design.
You talking about the Dinosaur Planet project?
@StarDog Smasher
Not that one, the post that shows peppy in the Landmaster.
Dinosaur planet HD huh hmm.