E3 Week Conclusion

E3 has come and gone. There were a lot of interesting reveals by a lot of companies, including Nintendo. We now know quite a bit about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and it looks like it will be worth the wait. No Star Fox news, but we expected that. We can expect the NX reveal to happen this Fall, so there's still some things to look forward to before 2017 rolls around. Now that this is over, I hope we can get back to our regularly scheduled posts!
yea, this e3 was okay, really didn’t enjoy myself, i think nintendo should have mention the nx in some way, watch a little bit of zelda: breath of the wild and that was it for me on e3 2016.
The new Zelda was definitely the highlight of the show. Not that it had a lot of competition. Most other games I had interest in were either similar to rest of the series or in one game’s case coming out next week.
When I first saw how you upgrade the Sheikah Slate in the new Zelda it weirdly reminded me of the staff upgrade from Star Fox Adventures. It makes me want an open world Star Fox Adventures game.
Well you’re not the only one wanting an open world Star Fox game. I do have some ideas myself, check them out if you like to.
Looking at E3, nothing really interested me. Although the Shantae Half Genie Hero and maybe Halo Wars 2 got my interest to get.
I hate shantae cause its overly sexualised.
But I do have an interest in colour splash and zelda.
The amiibo are my faverets.
This kinda sucked cause Nintendo is in the middle of transitioning to NX, but Zelda was definitly awesome… aside from that i fear we wont be getting star fox for quite some time seeing as how Zero did… oh well i guess
@StarDog Smasher
I have a ton of ideas too but I hope Nintendo actually make an open world Star Fox Adventures game at some point. Maybe if enough people ask Nintendo for it.. You know on twitter, facebook and so on. Not saying anyone should but if anyone wanted an open world Star Fox Adventures game should really tell Nintendo that.
I legit dreamt about a Star Fox Adventures remake announcement last night. I blame you guys.
After the E3, out of all the games,
I have a lot of hype for UbiSoft’s “Steep”. Finaly, I can ski at the Alpes, at summer… :P
Aww snap, I didn’t watch much of e3, didn’t here about steep and it looks like something similar to ssx3. Don’t remember from the trailer, will have to watch again but I hope there’s snowboarding in there somewhere. And if it had online with friends! Now that would be amazing!
Kinda unrelated to the matter (though I too have thought of an open world Adventures remake)
-Nintendo Badge Arcade finally has Star Fox Badges, unknown of any post 64 characters whereabouts as badges, but I was told each game is covered. You’ll have to lurk through the community to figure more out, I have made a post in case.
-The Star Fox Zero statue, that one that was going for $80? Gamestop is pretty much wanting to get rid of it for what I assume is whatever that’s coming in soon, long story short the Fox statue is on clearance for $45.
If we want to be more accurate, is an expanded idea of “Shawn’s White Snowboarding ” (also released by UbiSoft, is a good way to get a taste). More areas to explore in different ways (ski, snowboard, paragliding, wingsuiting), better graphics and gameplay, plus an even better online experience. It has a lot of potential.
I hope we can get VR support, since it has a promising first-person view.
Nintendo’s E3 Miiverse is closing down on 30th. Nintendo are asking for feedback on this year’s E3. I see this as an opportunity to request for an open world Star Fox Adventures game starring both Fox and Krystal. Feel free to join in.
If you check the E3 miiverse community then sub news community you will see the post there.