Nintendo Switch Profiles have Star Fox Options

Some press and a few lucky gamers have already received their Nintendo Switch orders (somehow). As a result, we know some stuff about the system itself, even though the games haven't been released yet. This video by Hiphoptherobot shows that you can pick a profile icon for your account. There are three Star Fox options: Star Fox Zero Fox McCloud, Star Fox Zero Arwing, and the Star Fox emblem.
Bit weird considering other series looks to be getting six. Even if they did three more I doubt we would get Krystal. At same time this type of thing is probably very easy to add to. I would be more surprised if there isn’t some way to get more icons.
yes and Metroid to awesome the wii u never had this.
arwing or Metroid emblem I don’t know which I prefer.
i would have use the legend of zelda icon.
Awesome!! Once I get the Nintendo Switch, I’m going to make my icon Fox! :D
Also, although there aren’t that many SF icons available compared to some of the other franchises… I’m super happy that they’re available! I was worried that there wouldn’t even be SF icons at all!
What? No Krystal?
that switch was stollen hiphoptherobot bought a stollen switch I heard nintendo reclaimed it and the guy who stoll them got fired and charged with feft.
Check out HMKs youtube channel for the whole thing.