Japanese Super Famicom Mini Announced + Japanese Star Fox 2 Boxart

We now know that the SNES Classic will be released in Japan as the Super Famicom Mini. The announcement came hours after the US and UK announcements. It will feature a similar design to the original Super Famicom. The game roster will be slightly different as well.
Instead of Super Punch Out, Super Castlevania IV, Final Fantasy III, Kirby's Dream Course, and Earthbound, the Super Famicom Mini includes Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Super Soccer, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Final Fantasy VI, and Panel de Pon. The Japanese system includes a different version of Super Street Fighter II than the US and UK versions.
On the side of the box you can clearly see the HDMI brand symbol. Looks like HDMI output is going to be there, just like the NES Classic had.
We also got to see the Japanese Super Famicom styled boxart for Star Fox 2. It's just a slightly different variation on some of the other imagery we've seen. But it's different enough to know that each of the characters are individually drawn, so we could possibly see separate art for each character in future press releases. Also, we can see their boots now. (Yes, they're just metal boots, not robot legs. Language warning.)
And lastly, I threw in the original Star Fox boxart, which was also in the press release. It is unmodified from the original Japanese boxart, as far as I can tell.
Thanks to Twitter posts by Ayano for the heads up! Images from the Nintendo Japan Press Release.
Umm… Is it just me, or is Miu short. The art work again looks awesome! I keep getting more and more excited for this mini system, it’s that good! I planed get most of the normal SNES games I wanted over the Wii and Wii-U V.C., but I might get this just to play Super F.X. games! (I don’t have the room of money for an original SNES.)
MR. K! I LITERALLY just found this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vQtDV6CzMs
I saw that earlier today!
You guys are only making me jellouse even Ayano gets to play the rares games in nintendos histery and I can’t.
I like the comercial codym512 it must be better than command I don’t see a fuel timer anywere.
I think the map will be like a real time strategy game. Blow the enemy ships as fast as possible or you lose corneria by a missed attack.
So no turns no fuel timer I think I’ll like it.
Doesn’t this mean that Miyu and Fay are for sure cannon now… They probably were before in some comic or something and I’m just being dumb, but hey, officially the game released now, so that’s neat!!