Miyamoto Planning Star Fox Anime

From Nintendo's 77th Annual General Shareholder Meeting, we have this interesting exchange.
Q7: Regarding product video, are there any plans to bring back past content like Kirby anime on BD, or old games on DD for console/mobile?
A7: Miyamoto: We hold the Kirby IP and it’s growing in Europe. It’s selling in Spain; watched in places w/out game hardware. We want to make anime for Pikmin, Star Fox, Yoshi, etc. and distribute it freely, or integrate into games.
This doesn't mean we WILL see a Star Fox anime, but they want to do it and are far enough in the consideration stage to talk about it openly. I, for one, can't wait to see what they can do, after the awesome Star Fox: The Battle Begins short. Of course, this is a fan-translation. Though he is very reliable, I'm told, take this translation with a grain of salt.
Question Translation and Answer Translation provided by Alex Aniel @cvxfreak. Story via GoNintendo.
Ayano Harumaki says that this is a slight mistranslation. According to her translation of the original Japanese transcript from NStyles, Miyamoto was referring to pre-existing Pikmen, Yoshi animations and Star Fox: The Battle Begins, not interest in making new animations. Here's her translation:
Miyamoto: We hold the Kirby IP and it's growing in Europe and it's selling in Spain well. We can sell the visual products even in areas where gaming machines cannot be sold. We made anime of Pikmin, Starfox, Yoshi etc. and distribute it freely, or integrate into games.
I guess we'll have to wait and see with an official translation to be absolutely sure. It all hinges are whether they were talking about the future or the past.
Yay Starfox anime.
If they do it, I certainly hope they improve on The Battle Begins in one aspect – the English dub was alright, but the lip-synching was terrible.
Oh boy if this is true, I will be so excited and now with Miyu and Fay being official in the SF universe, they can incorporate them into the anime and of course Krystal. ^^
i kind of want a mario kart anime, back the advertisement for mario kart 64 for japan, look nice.
Starfox the anime series and metroid the anime movie no super metroid the movie gibari could do so much with etcoons and dachora.
the starfox animated series could go from 64/lylatwars through adventures to command with flash backs to starfox/starwing 1 through 2
Star Fox anime yes. Have Krystal in it? If so (not by Zero / N64) HELL YA! TAKE MY MONEY!
Well it’s cool they are considering it. A Star Fox anime would be awesome! Just I hope it’s not on TV because my only TV is an old 1986 Zenith 9” portable CRT, if it’s on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or YouTube, I’d love to check it out!
on the update:
i guess so, a full on anime will cost money and time than a quick one.
The starfox adventures comic is wrong krystal looses her staff before fighting general scales.
Her perants die before she comes to sauria. and she dosen’t spend her child hood with the cloudrunners.
I can forgive the new outfit but everything else is all wrong.
@N J Fox
Why does it matter so much. It’s a fan comic and I’m sure most of us would rather see something new with krystal than a copy adaptation of adventures where she loses “her” staff and gets trapped in a crystal. I personally prefer the direction it is taking than the “rushed” game did.
Apparently Nintendo is sending out surveys to its members about what characters and franchises you want to see more of. So keep your eyes out in your email inboxes and be ready! :)
Here’s the source for you guys.
@ Smokey
I so need to sign up for an account! I haven’t yet, but I really want to! Just, how and where do I sign up for a My Nintendo?
Some thing I just thought of, speaking of the Star Fox anime. Let’s get a voice acting team or form one to do a Star Fox comic dub! It’s not an anime, but it could show interest to Nintendo to start one! The U.T. and some S.S.B. fan-dubs have taken over YouTube for a while, but Star Fox just had one dub of Farewell Beloved Falco. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWlxR6jJiOY&t=52s A pretty good dub, but we could do more. What do you all say?
I’m currently in the planning stages for writing an episode of a Star Fox anime or TV series that I hope to pitch to Nintendo. It’s an adaptation of the mission in Star Fox 64 where the Great Fox is stranded in space, and has to be defended from Venomian forces (like in the game). I hope to put a bit of emphasis on Slippy in the episode, by showing him to be an expert mechanic by fixing the Great Fox’s main engines. I also hope to parody “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” by having Slippy try to fake his death from radiation poisoning to play a joke on the rest of the team (which Fox doesn’t fall for, although he is amused by it). Do you guys think that would be interesting to watch?