Rigged Arwing in MMD

DeviantArt user SAB64 has made a fully rigged Arwing mesh for Miku Miku Dance. The cockpit canopy opens and closes, the wings can be adjusted, and the guns can be revealed or hidden. This mesh came from Star Fox Guard, so it looks like the one used in Star Fox Zero. Download it on the info page. It's a nice Arwing if you want to make simple Star Fox animations in MMD.
There is also a Fox McCloud Rig available.
Had an amazing dream again. I was playing the new re-imagining of Star Fox Adventures. The most hyped part of the dream is where you can switch between Fox or krystal as playable characters.
However, it was done in a way where Fox would glow bright red and then transform into Krystal.
I got so hyped I started screaming. Wooooh!
And then you returned back to the real world…
Also, today, I finally finished SFA in around 18 hours (Speedrunning this game will be like hell). I’m dissapointed about the rushed ending but other than that is was a great experience.
P.S. King RedEye with the spellstone on his head reminds me the one in super mario odyssey. So I nicknamed him “Mario”. And Fox slayed him like a badass, *fav moment*.
Congratulations on finishing the game. Now it’s no longer necessary to warn you about potential spoilers :D
Speaking of Speedrunning, JubJub62 broke his own record again. It was probably his final run and it turned out better than he’d expected. He was just aiming for a 4 hour 30 min sub but it turned out to be a 4 hour 26 min. He made some mistakes that even prevented a 4 hour 25 min but it’s almost impossible not to make a single mistake Speedrunning a long game such as SFA. Anyway, he seemed to be pretty happy about this particular record.
@Mr. Brownstone
Even when I was playing, I saw several things that I could in order to finish the game even faster (better routes, do things first time right etc. But, I screwed around with the free camera mode and I used a keyboard (really hard to hit the switches) I could shaved off a couple of hours
The think I don’t like about speedruns is the fact that you are only focussing on the gameplay and tend to ignore the story (well if the game had one to begin with).
On my playthrough I saw a lot of lore and plot holes that I would love to share. Yay, new theories!
Wow! Nice! I hope this goes to good use! Love to see what people do with it.
@ Lucas J.G.
Sounds cool! too bad it saw a dream… But it could happen, maybe? Possibly? I hope it does!
Yep, lots of plot holes in SFA. That’s the reason why a reimagining would make sense. Go ahead and share those theories of yours. I like having a discussion on SFA theories. While we’re at it, I finally found out the source for Krystal’s age in SFA. It’s on the game’s ‘official website’ (yep, still online). I think that’s the only time her age was mentioned:
@Mr. Brownstone
If you want theories you will get them.
1).Well, in Thorntail hollow, you will find a thorntail whose friends were captured at dragon’s rock:
An earthwalker, a high top and a cloudrunner (the one who took Krystal to Krazoa palace). He said that they prepared an attack on General Scales but either they got ambushed or they got caught before they even start. The cloudrunner got caught after he delivered Krystal at Krazoa palace. So was Krystal part of the attack? What that the distress call?
2).A plothole is tgat Krystal is supposed to visit Dinosaur Planet, but apparently her staff is like the Swiss army knife version of Starfox. So this along with the previous means that Krystal propably grew up there or stayed for a long time.
3).And finally (not actually, I still have some ideas but I don’t wanna run out of steam yet) is that in moon mountain pass the Krazoa will send directly Krystal’s “scream” into Fox’s head. That’s the message is not translated. Or is this is on purpose? Maybe is not actually Krystal, but instead an illusion, in order to motivate Fox to gather the Krazoa spirits or else he will just ask another paycheck, (jeez enough with the money Fox. I bet that if they show a picture of her, he would do it for free xp)
I believe that in reality, Krystal is unconscious in the crystal, because if she was awake, she would warn Fox that all of this was a trap to revive Andross, since she clearly recognize him before she was Captured. And game would have taken an whole other turn.
What do you think?
1.) I’ve always wondered about this myself. We know that the distress call was sent by the EarthWalker within the Krazoa Palace due to an attack by Scales. Krystal had never been to the palace before, until the CloudRunner brought her there. He even had to tell her what the palace is called and what it basically is. Later, the CloudRunner tells Fox that he was captured after dropping Krystal at Krazoa Palace and was stuck on Dragon Rock ever since. The question is: How did the ThornTail know that all three were captured and where they were brought to? This can only mean that their attack took place after the CloudRunner left Krystal at Krazoa Palace, thus after Scales’ attack and after the distress call.
2.) Krystal’s staff remains a mystery. We don’t even know if it’s Cerinian or Saurian. We do know, however, that Krystal was not raised on Sauria. At the beginning of the game it says that she had been travelling through the galaxy (most likely in a ship) until she received the distress call. That’s when she entered the planet to investigate. The attack on Krazoa Palace by Scales took place quite recently as the EarthWalkers are still there and warn Krystal not to enter the palace. Krystal also doesn’t seem to know much about the planet’s history. All she knows is the language and that’s likely due to her being a telepath. I think when we first see Krystal on the back of that CloudRunner, she has probably been on the planet for a couple of days. I’d like to see her actual arrival and how she befriended the CloudRunner.
3.) Well, that’s a common theory. Knowing Andross, it’s very likely that he fooled Fox. Why was the message in Saurian? I honestly don’t know. The english voice clips are on the disc after all.
Okay, now some things I have noticed about the game:
– Did you know that Mother ThornTail is the mother of the ThornTail GateKeeper? When you talk to her after the WarpStone has told you about the GateKeeper being close and having no voice, she says something like: ‘My son hasn’t even spoken to ME for some time.’
– Have you noticed that the WarpStone and the ShopKeeper are the only ones Fox could talk to without the translating device? I wonder what that means, especially for the ShopKeeper.
– What happened to the baby CloudRunner on Scales’ galleon? Krystal’s attempt to save it apparently failed. After that, the baby is never mentioned again. Why did Scales even capture it in the first place?
Nothing but questions…We need a reimagining asap!
@Jimaki & Mr. Brownstone
Too many questions! Too little answers! Your right, we need a Star Fox Adventures Remake soon!
P.S. I posted a picture of SF2 Krystal on my GAB. It’s not very good…
@Mr. Brownstone
I have some answers but still a lot of questions, darn…
The translator works only if it “hears” the person sspeaking. If the message is send telepathically, then what will the translator hear: Nothing.
I guess In this case the Krazoas tried to make it so dramatic.
Also whoever is speaking English to Fox without a translator has some kind of psychic powers. The Shopkeeper can teleport. Although I believed that him and the WarpStone we’re communicating through the translator.
And the cloudrunner at the galleon, if you probably know the story of DP, supposed to be Krystal’s original companion, princess cloudrunner. cloudrunner. What happened to her? She was probably captured until general scales was defeated.
Oh good, we need a reimagining ASAP, or else I’m gonna dream about it, which happened!!!
Good point about the ShopKeeper’s ability to teleport. The blue SnowHorn also refers to him as a ‘strange floating dinosaur’. Maybe he’s not a Saurian native? I recently noticed some symbols on his armor that look a lot like Krystal’s hip tattoos. These symbols do not appear anywhere else on Sauria. Is the ShopKeeper a Cerinian? Krystal probably didn’t meet him on Sauria as she never had the chance to. The other symbols on her outfit, like the triangle, can be seen in many places on the planet (Ocean Force Point, for instance). Maybe she got her tribal outfit on Sauria by the CloudRunners? Same with the staff maybe?
As for the WarpStone, I think he is probably able to speak many languages as he’s been around for quite a while. When Fox talks to him for the first time, the translator is not finished. Same goes for the ShopKeeper. The device starts working shortly after, when Fox meets Tricky on the passage between Ice Mountain and SnowHorn Wastes.
I have yet to dream about a reimagining. Those dreams seem to happen quite a lot lately. On the Smashboards thread someone dreamed about a Krystal comeback reveal trailer :D
If you scroll down a bit further, the person explains more about it ;)
With all that thinking an conversation about a remake of SFA it Krystal in smash, won’t you do the same in your sleep, seem logic. And I can’t remember what I dreamed but I Know it has Krystal and SFA in it.
Also, if you say that the staff and outfit might was saurian, then it explains why none of this aren’t in the following games. They must’ve been sacred items it something. The funny about that the Assault suit might was her regular clothing XD.
7PM PST Q-Games will be streaming Star Fox. I think we should go to tell everyone how much we want a new game game with Krystal in it. A general show of support. Just an idea.
New Krystal art on my GAB! https://gab.ai/codym512s Just a quick L.O.L. of Wolf and Krystal trying to get in Super Smash Bros. Would be funny to comment what they’re thinking for a comic-caption.