SNES Classic Preorders Soon & N64 Classic Rumor

Today, I have an update on the situation with the Mini Consoles.
First, on July 18th, 2017 (last month), Nintendo registered four trademark images with the European Union Intellectual Property Office. They registered an NES controller image, a SNES controller image, a Switch image, and a N64 controller image. Given the timing, contents, and descriptions, it lead the discoverer Rösti on NeoGAF to conclude that this is for the a forthcoming Nintendo 64 Classic, to be released in 2018 following the NES Classic from last year and the SNES Classic to be released later this year.
I think the conclusion he made is reasonable, given the track record we've seen so far. Now, just to add a cherry on top, remember how there was just no way Star Fox 2 would ever be released? Then, do you recall when it suddenly got a release date through the SNES Classic, even to Dylan Cuthbert's shock? Well, you know... there's another game related to Star Fox that never saw release... That's right! I'm talking about the Star Fox Demo for Virtual Boy! Just kidding, I'm talking about Dinosaur Planet. We don't actually know how far along Rare was with the game before it got transitioned to Star Fox Adventures, but we do know they had playable demos. It's a long shot, but could Nintendo do it again? Could Nintendo resurrect a long-thought-dead game from the grave? We'll see.
Alright, enough pie in the sky ideas. One thing is certain: if a N64 Classic get released, you can be certain that Star Fox 64 will be there. I think that's like the 14th release of that game, right? Then again, you should see how many times Ocarina of Time was released!
Next up, there is news of SNES Classic preorders opening in August for retailers across the country. When in August? No-one knows. Obviously, it'll be in the last half of the month since we haven't seen them open up yet. As soon as they are open, I expect to see most of them get gobbled up in the first few hours, if not minutes. The good news is that Nintendo will be producing tons more SNES Classics than they did with the NES Classic, since they know now just how popular it will be.
If you want to get real-time alerts, pricing, and availability of the SNES Classic as it gets nearer to release, check out the SNES Classic page on There are ways to get alerts to your phone in real time if you sign up with their instructions.
On that note, would you guys be interested in watching me, play through Star Fox and Star Fox 2 on livestream? As someone who has never played a single Star Fox 2 ROM, and only played a grand total of about 30 minutes of the original Star Fox, you will get a genuine first-time reaction from me, and also get to see me die a lot. I hear the controls are pretty tough. Interested?
SHHH don’t tell people about the stock tracker *glances at my stock tracker tab*
I’d personally want to play through it first without watching a stream of it, which could be a ways off. In any case best of luck to the Star Fox fans out there wanting to get their hands on what may be the only way to get SF2 for a little while. Also Dinosaur planet being released sounds ridiculous, Starfox 2 was fully completed, I seriously doubt it was completed before miyamoto got his hands on it, and wouldn’t the original unchanged assets be rare property? Also jesus i like 64 but i’m so sick of seeing it lmao, preaching to the choir there though.
I’ve been in a lot of big stores in different cities and all the self’s are jammed pack with switches. Either we have a good supply or there are a lot of ps4/Xbone fanboys who still thinks Nintendo is for kids. Either way I think I might be able to grab a snes mini without preorder (I even saw Nes mini at Christmas).
I haven’t played the snes Starfox games a lot. So it will be also a first time experience for me. I want to see you play it but I must play it myself.
We could do a contest and see who will finish the game first.
guys the 64 classic mini is just a rumor pluse we don’t need it to play 64 games, thats what the wii and wii u VCs for.
What we need is the snes mini and starfox and starfox 2. let me know if the so called 64 mini classic adition comes with the original dinosaur planet maybe then I’ll buy it.
i’m for it for a n64 classic.
diinosaur planet? don’t know about, that is rare give it to nintendo, consider it was a rare ltd. game at 1st, before it became a star fox game.
Has there been any confirmation on whether or not Star Fox 2 supports multi-player? An early leaked beta had it, but the more widely circulated and more recent beta didn’t. Lots of work has supposedly been done since that most recent leak though, so it’s quite possible it’s been added back in.
If it does support multi-player and you’re going to stream it, I could possibly come on by and play it with you on stream.
As of today (August 22), the preorders went live in the middle of the night last night while everyone as sleeping and must have sold out within minutes (a couple hours at the most). No announcement, no timetable, nothing. All retailers are sold out, according to IGN. Amazon ended up creating a different listing instead of using the one given for NowInStock. Probably to avoid bots or not get swamped with preorders, thus causing issues with the site.
But, it’s safe to say we’re probably not going to see any more units available for preorder for a while, if at all. Hate to sound pessimistic, we might not see any ever again. Our best bet is to probably have to break down and pay the scalpers their exorbitant prices if we want to get our hands on an aftermarket one.
It’s times like this when I REALLY hate Nintendo. >=(