Krystal Fox 2018 Rig (Free Edition) by Warfaremachine

Here's something I've been waiting to show you for a while now. It was talked about briefly before, but now it's finally ready for the world.
First, some background. A few months back, Warfaremachine released a new Krystal rig for free. Inspired by some Krystal fanart, rather than the original game models, it was stylistically different from other Krystal rigs. The model was more or less created specifically for NSFW purposes, meaning I couldn't link to it here on the Krystal Archive. However, several people, ended up using it for SFW projects, including Falemirous's Half Life 2 Mod and Schattenkitsune66's MMD Conversion Rig. Then, in late November 2017, Warfaremachine created a version 2 of his rig, with much higher detail and additional features. This version was also NSFW, so like the first, I couldn't really link to that either. Unlike the first rig, however, this one cost $20 to download and use.
After a conversation with Falemirous, I contacted Warfaremachine with a proposal: I asked for a clean, safe-for-work variant of the rig that could be released for free, and stipulate that it could not be used for NSFW purposes. In exchange, I compensated him for his time and the right to distribute it.
He agreed!
After a few weeks of effort and tweaks, we have prepared the two versions of the rig. One for Blender, which allows for high quality rendering and animations. The other exported for Garry's Mod, where it can easily be adapted to games, mods, MMD, or anything else. Both the Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Assault variants are in each version. These rigs are free forever, and you can do pretty much whatever you want with them: renders, animations, videos, game mods, fan games, 3D prints, etc. However, you CANNOT redistribute them, sell them, or in any way use them for NSFW purposes. That and be sure to credit Warfaremachine when showing off your creations.
Additionally, you are allowed to create modifications of these rigs, such as making the rig compatible with a game or MMD. Unlike the original rig, you CAN redistribute your modified rigs, with credit to Warfaremachine for the base rig. However, you can't charge for those changes, or in any way use those changes to allow the creation of NSFW materials. Check the README files for more details on what is and isn't allowed. We tried to make it pretty permissive.
- Krystal Fox 2018 (Free Edition) - 57.9MB - Blender and texture files for posing and rendering
- Krystal Fox 2018 (Free Edition) for Garry's Mod - 52.9MB - Garry's Mod compatible version for games and mods
Both downloads use 7Zip compression. To decompress them, use 7zip for Windows or Keka for Mac OS X.
There's also a page in the 3D section for this rig.
Warfaremachine will be releasing his distribution of this rig around the same time that this post goes up. Thanks for working hard on this project and being super cool about what I was trying to do.
Update: A pre-packaged version of the Garry's Mod variant is also available on the Steam Workshop for Garry's Mod.
If anyone is wondering, yes I’m working on V2 of the alyx mod with this. It should be ready pretty soon
@Falemirous, While you do that I have plans for so some mods I got once I can convert them from blender to max, good luck with your alyx mod.
This mod is tempting but it creaps me out more the early krystal mod so if its ok I’ll sit this one out
Most excellent indeed
Good work
This is from a pet project I put together.
@janellgd4 is this some kinda sick joke cause I’m not laughing.
It was spam. Removed.
Thank you Mr K
I gotta say, Warfaremachine did a great job with these! I love them!
These models are easy to work with and I’ve been creating some great screenshots with them!
There is a small bug with the tribal model where there’s missing textures but that can easily be fixed with a console command: mat_specular 0
I hope to see more wonderful models of Krystal being created and brought to Gmod in the future!
Awesome 2018 Krystal Model, i love it. :3 Warfaremachine did a very good job with these!
Also very detailed!