Website Reveal

It's with much pleasure, and a little trepidation, that I officially announce the creation of a new website: First mentioned on the Krystal Archive Podcast #40, this site will soon be home to official Star Fox media, interviews, and other content. It is not intended to compete with or replace other Star Fox fansites, such as, which focuses more on community and day-to-day news.
One day last year, I just so happened to find that the domain "" had become available. It had previously been a Star Fox fansite under different ownership for many years. After the owner let it expire, it sat unused in various cybersquatting services until even they gave up on anyone buying it. Now it's mine!
I had been wanting to find a place to post more general Star Fox related content for many years. Until now, I'd been posting it to subdomains of the Krystal Archive, such as the Star Fox Adventures Voice Acting page and Star Fox Command: All The Words. Now, this type of media will be posted to instead.
What all can you expect?
- Promotional art, videos, and other materials
- Voice acting clips
- Music
- Cutscenes
- Official website backups
- Scripts
- Non-game canon sources, such as official comics, instruction manuals, and player's guides
- Canon analysis articles and infographics (for example, an illustrated, interactive timeline of the Star Fox series)
- Secret stuff found in source code
- Interviews about Star Fox and with people who worked on Star Fox
- Merchandise
- Cameo appearances
- And every scrap of Dinosaur Planet info we can find!
What won't be there? (At least at first.)
- Forums
- Discord
- Daily news
- Fanart, fan fiction, fan videos, mods, fan games, etc. (Unless it's really impressive.)
Another thing that will be different: this site will not be using the Wordpress blogging engine. Instead, I will be using a static site generator such as HUGO. This will allow more control, better performance, and better security while sacrificing a little ease of use. On the plus side, since this will largely focus on being a data-driven site, rather than a content blog, the site's content will be more easily created through tooling. I plan to open source the site's code so you can view it, try it, and maybe even help out.
So where are we now?
As of now, there is no content. I do have an official Twitter account and GAB account for the site. The Arwing image you see if you go to is an SVG of my own design. Have a look at the source code and see how it was made. I'm very proud of it, and it will probably be integrated into the final site design somewhere. Other than that, the site itself is currently bare.
As for content, I mentioned previously that I had several pieces of existing content that will be moved there (mostly voice acting). I have a huge cache of Dinosaur Planet info I've gathered over the years, as well as a very knowledgeable fan who has agreed to help with the content and history of Dinosaur Planet. Lastly, I have a large amount of content I plan to post that I had created back when I used to work for StarFox-Online that was either never released (no time) or has since fallen into disrepair (links no longer work at SFO). Other information will be gathered or created as time allows. But rest assured, when the site fully launches, it will feature content that doesn't exist anywhere else on the internet!
One more thing. The Krystal Archive is, and will remain, ad-free. However, I'm considering allowing ads on because: A. It will be a huge endeavor that will eat up a lot of my time, and B. It will end up costing a lot more in hosting because there will be a large amount of media there, and that media will be downloaded more often. I'm open to discussion on this topic, so leave a comment about what you think, and if you have other ideas for generating revenue for the site.
Sorry for missing yesterday and being late with content. I had an extremely busy weekend working with some projects that aren't ready to release yet.
Svg-Picture looks very cool.
A free domain is luck. Really a lot of work, but it’s good that you do not have deadline :)
I heard someone is already working on this.
Now all their hard work is for naught. :(