“Lylat System CLEAR” – Star Fox 25th Anniversary Album WIP

Over at OCRemix.org, the massive video game remixing community, the amazing musicians are hard at work on a new Star Fox album called Lylat System Clear. It's going to feature most memorable Star Fox themes and will include several character-specific themes. Yes, Krystal's getting her own song! There will be voice acting, singing, and genres of every kind. With about 50 tracks, it's a huge undertaking.
When will it be released? Well, all tracks are due by July 1st, 2018, after which they will compile and edit the tracks into the final album. The expected launch date for the album was planned for July, but it may get pushed to September 2018 or even January 2019. You can follow the progress on the Organization Topic and the Project Document.
That sounds awesome except for the singing part. singing in theme songs for Nintendo characters never work out remember the cheesy link theme eeewk I still have night mares not to mention DKs song wasn’t that good either.
I tried one for Samus aran once when I was lil and it was terrible a humiliation waiting to happon.
Going to have to disagree with you there. Just because some people make terrible, cheesy vocals doesn’t mean everyone does. Here’s a couple of game remixes with vocals that are awesome!
“Inside of Me” – Star Fox song by MandoPony
“Kindred” – Metroid song by Jillian Aversa & zircon
OK you got me there those two are way better than overs I’ve heard.
“Kindred” actualy works with the metroid theme.
And I can’t belive I forgot about “Inside me” that was a good one.
Lets see if Lylat System clear can make the cut.
Don’t forget another one for Metroid fan song called Only Human. It is amazing. I heard that the signed was learning English and he did a great job.