Star Fox Assault is 13 Years Old

Feel old yet? On this day, 13 years ago, Star Fox Assault was launched for the first time in America. The states got the game before the other regions, even Japan. It also happens to be Valentine's Day. How fitting that a game with Fox and Krystal being awkward around each other while a third interloper, Panther, tries to steal her affection.
Well what a coincidence for the game to come out on this day. Not to mention that this year marks the 25th anniversary for the franchise.
Happy birthday Star Fox! Whooo!
happy birthday indead.
Not too keen on the number but happy birthday all the same.
This was part of the golden age for starfox while it was on the game cube.
I played it again recently and it’s still so good after all these years!
Brought back so many good memories! (TvT)
Wow, it’s been that long already? It felt like it was just yesterday when I was in the hospital and one of the only pieces of reading material that I had during my weeklong stay was Issue 189 of Nintendo Power, which featured Star Fox: Assault on the cover.
I read that issue from cover to cover several times during my stay in the hospital, and to date, it stands as one of my favorite issues, the other being the one that was about Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Issue 222.
And speaking of Valentine’s Day, there were a few Valentine’s Day inserts in Issue 189, one of which I’ll never forget: a WarioWare poem that went, “Roses are red, violets are poo! I think love stinks, and now, so do you!”
So Happy Birthday to Star Fox: Assault, and thank you Nintendo Power (and by extension, Nintendo) for helping me through one of the worst periods of my life. Truly, I will never forget the help you gave me. I owe you one.
Inceleberation I will commence my 2nd fan project Dinosaur planet remastered