Moonllita Cosplaying Krystal TODAY

Moonllita's Krystal cosplay was mentioned in the past, with tons of WIP shots and details about her plans. Around the same time of the last post, she completed her cosplay early, ready for the next convention. She made her first public appearance as Krystal on Saturday, July 6th 2019, at the Montréal Comiccon. Here she is about to start the day as Krystal.
There, she completed her first photoshoot with Cyberfox007, the image above being one of them. She cosplayed with her boyfriend, gdicommander who cosplayed as Link from Breath of the Wild wearing the Desert Voe Armor (Photo by MrJechgo)
I even managed to find a couple of videos of her.
And what do you know, Moonllita is cosplaying Krystal again TODAY, August 16th, 2019 at Otakuthon! I swear I didn't plan it this way. Anyway, she's probably walking around right now as Krystal up in Canada, so go say 'hi' if you're at the con. Hopefully we'll get to see more photos and videos from that event in the coming days!