Katina-Virus Invades Corneria

Corneria City, Corneria - Despite weeks of advance warnings and social distancing advisories, the capital city of planet Corneria has detected its first few cases of Katina-virus.
In response, General Pepper has ordered that all public gatherings be limited to no more than 10 people and has closed the planet's outer space borders. Similar rules have been instituted on other planets, notably Katina, the apparent origin planet of the new virus. No one is quite certain of the economic damages these restrictions will have on bustling cities like Corneria City, with the calm weather of this time of year normally enticing citizens to visit outdoor markets and restaurants.
Gatherings like this are now banned until further notice.
In a press conference, General Pepper spoke about his options. "Normally, I would call on Team Star Fox to handle this situation, as they have been my go-to solution for cleaning up the Lylat System's messes. However, this disease appears to have come from space bats, not monkeys, robot bugs, or fish, so their expertise in this area is limited."
Critics were harsh, countering that General Pepper has never actually saved anyone from anything, and at least Star Fox might do something that mattered. As tensions continue to rise and with no cure in the near future, few clear solutions present themselves beyond basic disease prevention protocols.
General Pepper also asked that stores begin limiting bulk purchases of essential items to only the amount a person or household might reasonably need. This was in response to criticism of national hero and Star Fox team mechanic Slippy Toad posting photos of himself online, smugly showing off piles of toilet paper. The hashtag #PaperCaper has been used to tag similar showcases of excess.
In a tone-deaf move, Slippy Toad single-handedly inspired the #PaperCaper hashtag.
It's not all bad news, however. Evil Scientist Dr. Andross has shifted all doomsday weapon production capacity to produce face masks and hand sanitizer. Insiders claim that he has pushed back his own invasion plans until he can be sure that all of his troops will not get sick before they can enslave the Lylat System. The Planet Venom itself has not yet had any reported cases of Katina-virus due to its existing travel restrictions as a military restricted zone for the past 4 years.
shouldn’t the “ruler” make those decision and not the general of the corneria’s army, because he not the “ruler”.
General Pepper is the ruler of the Cornerian Military Government. He is the ruler.
Cool, free lore.
@Mr. Krystal
only hear that he controls the corneria’s army not the whole planet, so i assume there would be higer ops than him.
never read the comics, but they never stated any government types things in star fox series.
It’s an assumption on my part, but given the frequency of total solar-system war that happens in Lylat, it wouldn’t surprise me if Corneria had been under a military government for some time.
@Mr. Krystal
since you put it that way, i guess so.
The storyline of the Star Fox universe has laid stagnant for 14 or 15 years now. No new significant development of the plot since Assault or maybe Command. Everything since then has just been a reimagining or retelling of the story laid out in Star Fox 64. (Or a re-release of a game that shoots off into a different canon – Star Fox 2.)