Adventures Krystal Sound Effects

Merry Krystmas! This year has been tricky and busy, but I wanted to do something special for you on this special day. It's not much, but it's something that's been needed for a long time.
We've had the voice acting clips of Krystal since the beginning of the Krystal Archive. However, there were some harder-to-extract sound effects like grunts, groans, and breathing sounds still in the game. I've finally pulled them out for your listening pleasure. I'm certainly not the first person to extract these, but to my knowledge this is the first time they've all been available in one place.
- Large Groan
- Groan 1
- Groan 2
- Jump 1
- Jump 2
- Jump 3
- Breathing 1
- Breathing 2
- Hard Strain
- Strain
- Scream
- Ugh 1
- Ugh 2
- Ugh 3
- Ugh 4
Special thanks to Gagnetar and Hugo Peters for assistance with these.
Update: As requested, here's the uncompressed WAVs. I have added this and the others to the Star Fox Adventures Voice Acting page.
Estelle Ellis is still the best and most memorable Krystal imo. I honestly wish there were more clips simply because of the playable Krystal mod.
thank you for these, im sure they will not be misused out of game context at all :3
nice, but when i listen like this, it doesn’t sound “right” (if you know what i mean).
Would be interesting to hear Estelle Ellis record lines for a potential Star Fox Adventures ending like a “slow-motion” war cry, and words like “How we meet is of little importance, Fox; What matters is that we still managed to meet.” and “Oh no, you DON’T!” (when countering Scales’ “A new empire is coming, Fox, and I will be the creator…!”)
Maybe she could stream Resident Evil 5 and 6 in Twitch.
I hope to meet her and Adam “Edge” Copeland next year at Detroit’s Youmacon.