Welcome to 2021!

Select New Game: Hard Mode
Sorry I was a little late. Those of you on the Discord server know that I have been sick as a dog all week, spending most of my days asleep. Don't worry, it seems to be a mild flu that caused a sinus infection, not COVID. And I'm already feeling much better.
I have a lot to post now, a HUGE backlog. Thank you all for your patience. As usual, I want to resolve this year to post here more and get my backlog smaller. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years, and I hope you have interesting plans of your own for 2021.
One of my biggest surprises this Christmas was when I received a Christmas card in the mail. It was from a close friend of mine in real life who I won't name to respect her privacy (unless she's cool with it). Anyway, she told me she would be sending me a Christmas card, but I never expected what was contained within. Check this out!
I didn't even know she was an artist! She told me since then that she only draws very rarely. What a sweet gift, and a wonderful drawing I just had to share.
Thanks very much for the Saurian Translator, it helps me out greatly with a current project I’m working on. Mainly, I’m slapping the Saurian Language onto a VM which would be used to program game, apps, etc. The VM in question is currently being worked on the Nintendo Switch in the Smile Basic 4 engine. The VM can be translated to PC which will be done after I finish getting it done in SB4.
The Language will of course be Saurian but with one exception, Krystal’s own name will be used as the main Register of the VM. So code would be written with her getting or giving data. If an error occurs, the VM will throw an error expressing that Krystal doesn’t know the typed keyword (written in Saurian), or if the grammar is typed wrongly.
Example of this would be:
get 5
Krystal stores item
bag stores item
Note: This is not a language that will be used for actual development, this is more of a joke language. The same as the Ook! language which is a copy of brainF. Even though this is a joke language, the Saurian code can be used to do things with it. Whether make games, apps, or whatever you want since the Saurian language is basically assembled to the Hack VM.
So far the VM is pretty much complete and has been tested. The only thing left to do is getting the assembler finished. Another reason why I’m doing this is to give the community something to mess around with. I’m thinking that maybe, in Sauria, if they had developed their own tech. Their programming language would most likely resemble the actual Saurian language, which makes sense.
Very nice Krystmas card you got there :D She is very talented !
Also, sorry to ask it here, but I have a problem ; I would really want to join your Krystal Archive Discord server, but I cannot send you directly a message on Discord, and I tried to send you an email almost two weeks ago with no answer ^^’ Maybe you didn’t accept any more people, I don’t know, so I prefer to ask :)